Japanese meets European ballads (1994)

expected lar, music composed by yoshiki.

anyway there's another song called FINAL DESTINATION.. also with roger taylor.

this two songs were included in roger taylor international solo album.

i wonder, how this two guy meet?
wow..rare stuff you got it there! but roger cant replace freddie in vocals coz...freddie was the man. showmanship plusplus! well he's dead anyway. quite surprise people still do follow X-japan after sometime. GOt to know the exixtence during my O's in early 96 but then disbanded by year end. inteteresting..
if i know xjapan in 1996, i will save money to go to japan and go to their last lvie concert (eventhough the live is not so great)
Yeah..Key,you are absolutely right? i wonder any Softies here are Queen fans? i may want to form a Queens cover band for fun and gigs..