heehee... becoz buyer only see the end product. Not the things that took place in order for the end product to materialize.

Same as in "bubble-tea" businessman, they see the long queue of customers. So they equate that as a "boom" business. They do not think long term, when the fad dies down, their business bust instantly.

I tink better to ask long time players like boon, weelee, seng chai on their opinions. They have that time spent experience. :lol: :lol: ...but I guess they won't reveal much, as they dun want copy cats.
Hey James,

it's cool to have a shop to display all locally produced CDs, and one big screen to keep everybody's eyes on SOFT's latest news and happenings.
mmm.... i think if you guys want to open jamming studio or whatever, is better to open somewhere that's doesn't have a studio now. is funny to see 2 studio completing for the same group of people and at the end, both would suffer. even Swee Lee or seng chai suffer when they open their jamming studio near someone else. and this is a facts. go do your research before putting your money in. :) Is good to support the local scene but is not good to kill the industry by having more completition between the small players. My 2 cents worth of comment . :) do some calculation on the maintainace, time, rental, monthly expenses before going into a business. is easy to start up a business but is never easy to substain when you're doing business in Singapore. :)
When opening a jam studio, are the equipment 2nd hand stuff? or u all buy first hand but some unknown brand?
Hey Vai Steve...just joking ah!

I read the message "can someone open a studio in Holland V" and then below you have "hallow be thy name"

try this reply... "studio in Holland V?".. "Thy Kingdom come"

how's that for good good fun?
HeartRockSingapore said:
Mikemann, thanks for advice. Even if I do set up a studio, and sway sway if it happens to be in Balestier Road, I hope we can compliment each other.

Heehee.....vedy good idea leh. Then I got reason to close my already, can't thank you enuff. I come be your studio manager ok?? Can Bao Suah Bao Hai one. I vedy power worker one, just pay wise argar power power one also can already.

I got experience some more, if you dare wack. I can tell you, I have some idea which could blow this market down.......hahaha :lol: :lol:

Yah....lah.... money must also Bar bak one hor. then can wack got sound hear till JB and someone say in KL too.