James Yen (LostRaven) you turd

I have bought a Black H-H Tele from Lostraven months back. Yes, that is some fretbuzz so I have it setup by a friend.
Same as Bro, Fivex. The guitar is quite good when I purchase it.

Feel sorry for Skipper53, you should have try out the guitar with a Vox amPlug AC30 before buying.
Hi Lemonade93, I think you have nothing better to do is it? Yes, this is the same guitar as the one posted by LostRaven.
He sold it to me. So do I need to ask you before I sell it???
Hi Lemonade93, I think you have nothing better to do is it? Yes, this is the same guitar as the one posted by LostRaven.
He sold it to me. So do I need to ask you before I sell it???

It's buyer vigilance. You cannot fault anyone here for looking out for each other. I urge you, come to your senses and not resell and/or be promoting guitars passed on this forum by such dishonest people.
I believe the sight of that so-called custom tele makes people SICK by now....haha! :D

Skipper is right. We should not allow dishonest people who sell junk to get away with it.
Hi Lemonade93, I think you have nothing better to do is it? Yes, this is the same guitar as the one posted by LostRaven.
He sold it to me. So do I need to ask you before I sell it???

I'm sorry if I offended you, i really am, but honestly, it's still abit fishy for me :/. First post since October 2010. But either way, benefit of the doubt, you're right, and i'm sorry, but if i'm not gonna look out for others, I can't expect the same from them can I? SO again, i'm TERRIBLY sorry
lemonade I don't feel you owe atelier an apology. Sure, you pointed something fishy out, which was a well-intended gesture in the spirit of benefiting the community, but you didn't do it in an outrightly rude, hostile and offensive manner. Not like *ahem* this:
Hi Lemonade93, I think you have nothing better to do is it? Yes, this is the same guitar as the one posted by LostRaven.
He sold it to me. So do I need to ask you before I sell it???

Barely a few posts before, see the opposite and very positive example from fivex. See how well that worked out?
lemonade I don't feel you owe atelier an apology. Sure, you pointed something fishy out, which was a well-intended gesture in the spirit of benefiting the community, but you didn't do it in an outrightly rude, hostile and offensive manner. Not like *ahem* this:

Barely a few posts before, see the opposite and very positive example from fivex. See how well that worked out?

It's better to first apologize then take it back, than it is to NOT apologize but painfully apologize if proven wrong at a later period of time :D
It's better to first apologize then take it back, than it is to NOT apologize but painfully apologize if proven wrong at a later period of time :D

It's very reassuring to know there are ppl on soft still with their heads screwed on right. Cheers to you bro. I also think the apology was not necessary.
So, if someone called you a cheat and liar and that chap turned out to be wrong, he doesn't owe you an apology? Libel, slander and defemation.
So, if someone called you a cheat and liar and that chap turned out to be wrong, he doesn't owe you an apology? Libel, slander and defemation.

I did not call him either a cheat or a liar, i just said it looked the same, this is the internet. There's no 'special' way of talking in the internet so I don't think i was sending him subliminal messages or was being sarcastic, the Haha! at the end wasn't of ill intent, more of looks the same to me as HE clearly stated he bought it of a softie, so excuse me for 'calling someone a cheat or a liar' when i clearly didn't say ANYTHING. I just said it looks the same
Maybe the poor electronic wiring/faulty parts are part of the 'custom' hahaha.

Ok on a more serious note, Heres a thought:

For people buying guitars you guys could probably deal nearby at a guitar shop to test the guitar through one of their amps there.
Thats an alternative to see if the electronics are busted or not. Or bring an experienced friend with you when you purchase the thing. Check for every aspect of the guitar and ask the seller the various questions especially if its a 'custom'; like made in where with what parts etc.

*i once bought a custom guitar from Mr. FGL here and he explained every detail and part of the guitar where each part was made/where it came from/how it aids the guitar in what way etc. This is the way to do things.

So far for me i don't have as many horror stories like Skipper's since i've started guitar in 08, but i definitely had some strange dealings as well.

I'd advice to deal with people whom are reputable for selling guitars. Pedalitis/Hub4thailand/BGW/Ep.tjan etc.. These guys whom are more well known actually are much more safe to deal with.

I feel for you my fellow KoT user :)
Taking a break from work… till a colleague showed me this thread which put me back to ‘work’ again.

A case with an experienced buyer who met the seller. Made a deal through verbal contact with the seller, visual and physical contact with ‘it’ . Buyer brought ‘it’ back home, found faults and demands compensation.

Am ‘glad’ to see us’ to be so united (or maybe not) in 'arrowing' and lashing out someone (sounds pretty much like the usual office politics), whom I must say how many of you have actually deal or dealt with ‘lostraven’.. In my years of practices, its always best to hear from both sides before comments.

I agree with ‘unsane’;
if youre buying a guitar from an unknown seller and you dont test it out and look it over throughly, you pretty much deserve what you've gotten. the location of the 3rd scuff you posted couldn't have been more than a few frets/inches away from the one he showed you.
we all need to be ‘smart’ buyers when it comes to all sorts of dealings… especially when it’s ‘non-refunable’ (this term is not new).
We as buyer need to be vigilant especially when there is a chance to meet up and check ‘it’. The seller had even pointed out a flaw, this would have prompted for more careful inspection!!! (Do not let our desire ruins everything)

And most importantly.. what prompted me to post this thread...;
Ladyintears: the downtown east gangsters slashed the wrong guy
Is this such a serious crime, that we are talking about life and death???
You do owe this guy an apology!

Word of advice: Its 2011! We are all smarter; thanks to all the comments! So STOP all cursing and swearing! It does hurt when someone like me see these… OUCH!
Let’s MOVE on.
Thought for a very long while. Was gonna write a huge hunk of junk.

@maninpractice: I feel there's a huge part of the story that you are missing out here. Never the less I admire your attempt at impartiality. But when a person fails to speak up for himself after a month's worth of accusations on a public forum, I can safely say impartiality holds no value here.

And yet I say, it is your opinion and I have no right disallowing you that. My word of advice for you though: Next time you decide to speak up on a public forum, upon first read, remember that there is probably a long drawn history here on a long drawn thread, that you are not aware of.
