James Burton Telecastor


New member
Just bought a used James Burton Telecastor (black and red paisley) for $1.8k. Claimed to be issued at 1989 and currently worth US$1.5. Wonder whether is it a good buy or have i been cheated?
i was eyeing tt one you bought at gc right? i went to the guy who sold it to kelvin gc, urm just to say the deal was for 1K sgd, but i couldnt cough up the money in time. Its new its about 1.1-1.2k usd...
i just wanna know whether i kena cheated or no? kelvin claims that its issued at 1989... how to check whether its true?
1K and 1.8k is quite a difference.

I believe you can refer to the serial number?

Also, try posting your query on this forum that is dedicated to Telecasters. I am sure some Tele expert over there can help out substantially.

Click here
imho if you really like that guitar, you wouldnt mind paying slightly more.

you might also want to consider that this guitar may not be readily available in Singapore. what if the only place you can get it is from Evil Bay? at least if you buy from a store, you can check the guitar before buying it. that is a whole lot safer as compared to EBay.

you might want to consider the indirect charges like shipping cost, insurance etc etc ( if you bought it from an American seller off Ebay ).

at the end of the day, if you have no intentions of selling it anytime soon, it would be a good deal.
i'd say that 1.8k was a decent price to pay for that guitar (from a used guitar dealer).

Do consider that a new one of the same model would sell for about 3k at SL. it *is* after all, a US-made artist signature guitar, and quite an uncommon one in an uncommon colour (gold paisley is more common than red).

1k would be a desperate seller's price, and would probably be the price at which the seller sold the guitar to gc. gc as a used guitar dealer, has to make a living, so.. :twisted:

my 2 cents.

PS: that is one helluva cool guitar, by the way. James Burton is a kick-ass guitarist. hell, he was the right-hand-man of Elvis, no less! 8)
agreed wif feNdeRbeN ~ the red one is more rare den the gold and black paisely one.


Close Up

Whole Body
Its a beauty isnt it? for a 2nd hand, the condition is quite good. the front surface have only hair line scratches and only the chrome parts have faded off. overall its quite good for a 15 year old guitar. I've check wif Fender, this is really a produced in 1989. according to the serial no. listing.