James Brown has passed away.

Re: ..

rottenramone said:
if i'm not mistaken, he was scheduled to perform in singapore for good vibrations festival.

yeah thats what i saw at the good vibrations website too...damn,what a loss :(
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
if i'm not mistaken, he was scheduled to perform in singapore for good vibrations festival.

No lah, bro rottenramone bro, he was not. He played in the previous festivals. I <3 James Brown but everyone dies... :cry:

In any case, the fact Herbie Hancock is bypassing us on his last world tour is pretty upsetting news to me as well...
tryambaka said:
Kafir? you mean you know who is a Kafir and who is not?
During the olden times Kafir was anyone not following an Abrahamic Religion. Recent studies conclude Kafir is anyone not believing in a Superexistence. Hence, the english alternative "unbeliever". Kafir being a non-Muslim is a narrow belief. The use of the word is still being debated so no further questions.

Deep condolences. RIP James Brown.

"We have come from God and unto him we shall return" - kafir or not, that is for God to judge. May he rest in peace. Another life leaves. Billions wait to do the same.

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