It's either my hair or my job

Hair> Job

Well said.

4.50 per hour is so not worth it. You'll regret when youve spent all your pay man.
domonizo said:
you're giving up a job for your hair?
though it's $4.50 an hour, but you made that choice to accept the job and obey their policies, so the only option is to cut it..

Well its not like im in a life contract with them, and ive yet to hand in my contract anyway
gel it up.after work u can go back to friends and family with ur hair down
i guess this is the best choice..if u find it troublesome combing it up then get another one. :D
are u tryin to grow a reverse mullet..? cuz my hair is pretty much a reverse mullet. yeah i know how u feel, i decided not to take this job offer at Fullerton hotel cuz i knew i wld have to cut my hair. they wanted to pay me 6/hr being a doorman. lol.
long on top short at the back if im not wrong..see those skaters?
heh.doorman for 6 bucks/hr..tts cool :D
8O i always see that when i go orchard. but to each his own. yeah doormen get pretty well paid, plus sometimes you get tipped by customer.
if the job expects you to upkeep a certain appearance theres no point negotiating about it, not for 4.50/hr which is really piss all money. go get another job...even pumping gas pays 4.50/hr. im assuming its just a part-time thing so expat or not, it doesnt really matter. plenty of companies need part timers/temp workers and wont bother about paperwork for hiring people.
Yeah, just go there with long-hair. I worked at the Marina Mandarin last year and they told me to cut too, and I didn't.
And they didn't bother me anymore.

Anyway, 4.50 is pretty shitty, maybe you'd consider another job. It's not like 7 an hour or whatever. But if you really like that job, then I guess you'd just have to compromise.
I'd be damned if one day they decide to decree that employers with curly hair will have to rebond them to look "neat". Might take me 50 rebonds to get them all straight again. lol.
I say we boycott GV ... hahahah

Seriously though, heck care .. All companies will say stuff like that, just come and thick skin ..

or you could get your fellow mafiosos and make sure some guys sleep with the fishes