IS there any more band like nightwish

Well, Arch Enemy is a female frontwoman. That's something similiar right? :lol:

Oh btw, you might wanna try "Amaran". Female vocalist also. Don't worry, no growling from her. Ahahha...
Haha.. arch enemy is death btw. ;) Awesome female death vocals, never heard anything so brutal coming from a girl. Brutal, not screamy. But not my cup of tea.

Try Lucana Coil (think the spelling is off) but its not opera.
and theres Within Temptation. mero intro'ed me to them sometime back, they have a soprano-vox. really good imho. she doesnt quite have the opera-ish type of power like tarja, but her soprano is really nice. and with some heavy riffing and stuff from the band too :D
After forever

and angela gossow's throats are scary.. imagine she has that kinda voice in bed :lol: