Is my signature guitar really signature?


New member
My fren said my pickups suck..
doesnt sound near gibson..
When i've actually checked thru the net this signature guitar of mine comes with Gibson 490R n 498T pickups..

So how do i actually noe what pickups am I using?
My fren told me it's probably the normal stock alnico classic humbuckers in my Epiphone Les Paul Custom..

Anyway, my guitar would be Epiphone Les Paul Custom Backyard Babies Ebony Special Edition..and i really wanna find out what pickups am i using..dun tell me the shop switched my pickups..What do u guys propose?

Here's the info i got base on my guitar:-




won't cause any harm. just unscrew and pull out lightly, don't yank or the wire may come loose. nice guitar though :)
Just remove the four cornner screws, do not remove the two center screws as they are used for adjusting the pickup height. Then remove the pickups slowly.
does your friend use and swear by Gibson pickups? does he recognise the Gibson tone by heart? what amp are you using? well, tone does not come solely from pickups. wood plays quite a huge part of the equation.

in my honest opinion I think no guitar shop would have the time to swap pickups out as it is a rather tedious process to do so. well, unless its vintage pickups that we are talking about...
Just remove the four cornner screws, do not remove the two center screws as they are used for adjusting the pickup height. Then remove the pickups slowly.

This helps way2 alot..Thanks!
For a second i thought it was the 2 screws..lolz..Thank goodness
does your friend use and swear by Gibson pickups? does he recognise the Gibson tone by heart? what amp are you using? well, tone does not come solely from pickups. wood plays quite a huge part of the equation.

in my honest opinion I think no guitar shop would have the time to swap pickups out as it is a rather tedious process to do so. well, unless its vintage pickups that we are talking about...

My fren is quite experienced in different guitars and etc. but he's more into stratocasters, so i'm thinking he's not bringing any justice to my les paul, really..lolz..

anyway, we tried in a jamming room with a Marshall head and cab or something(i'm really not good at tube amps..lolz) and my guitar end up humming screechy and shit..but there were other incidents other than dat. juz worried..coz if my pickup were to be swapped, im not good at court and stuffs..i hav no money!!
good luck bro, hope there's no issue with your guitar.
shopkeepers swapping pickups sounds damn scary man !
but i dont think that happened to anyone here right ?
if not the shop would have a bad reputation and close down.
For me, i think pick up is not that expensive and not worth it for a shop to swap it and risk the reputation and get closed down.
anyway, we tried in a jamming room with a Marshall head and cab or something(i'm really not good at tube amps..lolz) and my guitar end up humming screechy and shit..but there were other incidents other than dat.

guitar humming and screechy might mean grounding problem, cable problem, amp problem, input jack problem.. have u tried it on any other amp?
Hey there, my friend has the exact same guitar as you. The guitar has Gibson pickups but i'm not sure which model. He only realised that when he was swopping them out for EMGs.
Major problem man..This damn thing indeed has gibson pickup..but it's only the neck pickup!?! i'm gonna be dead..what have i done wrong to swee lee? It's almost a year i bought dat guitar, and dat IS the damn freaking out rite now..frustated as shit..

The bridge pickup is an Epiphone wth..dat's not part of the signature
Is a Gibson USA 498T = Epiphone 60ST? So far i heard it's on epiphone elitist les pauls..i really dunno which is better, but i dun mind getting my actual pickup!!

I'm only left with about 3 months warranty (if u guys were to ask me whether i still have any ties with them)..i dun think warranty can cause me a change of pickup..

Here's some of the pics..
Anyone have any solutions, juz name them..coz i really hav no clue..if u're harsh enough, juz advice me to give up..


Neck Pickup:

Bridge Pickup:
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whoever said swapping out the pickups is hard..i heard of shops swapping out guitar parts for bogus parts, some even vintage..tsk tsk..