Is it worth to buy 2 distortion pedals?


New member
Is it worth to buy 2 distortion pedals/DIGITECH SYNTH WAH OR BOSS SYNTH?

I have a Boss ODB-3 already and I'm thinking whether I should get a Russian Muff Pi cause Chris from Muse uses it and yea I thought that maybe if I combine both pedals together the sound be sweet since the ODB-3 comes with a 2 band eq. But then I was also wondering what is the real difference if I use two distortion pedals.. :/

Looking for a good and I can't choose between the Boss Synth or the Digitech synth..
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try adding a fuzz for some variations. coz i got a polish love, mastatron, MT-2 on my board and now hunting down a cheap HM-2 to add into the mix.
stacking drive pedals basically makes it fatter. that is why guitarists do it often. the sequence of the pedals will make a difference. you can boost one pedal to make the other clip better. it depends lah, sometimes for bass it gets too saturated. sometimes i feel stacking makes it too compress and the signal loses alot of definition. so its probably better if one is used as a more transparent boost

as for filters there are actually many options out there. if u get a dedicated filter pedal rather than something that claims to do 'synth' you may have more flexibility. but that depends on what u trying to achieve.

for hysteria chris uses a green sovtek russian muff and akai deep impact if im not mistaken. neither are in production anymore, the russian muff that ehx produces now is a reissue, different from the one chris uses.

on the record of hysteria there is a studio trick being used where they mix in the signal, one octave higher. this is done to fill in the space. but it is not done live.

if u want to sound like the hysteria record, without all the studio effects, u could try a gated fuzz into a filter into a octaver. octaver must be able to go 1 octave UP (most analog octavers are 1 octave DOWN). its better if you go digital because analog octavers will probably screw up a wet signal.
Lol, thanks bro! Will the Boss Super Octave work for bass? :/
I was thinking of getting a Digitech Synth wah cause i saw a review on it about how to achieve the sound on Hysteria by using a Big muff pi and Digitech Synth Wah. sounds quite nice so I thought maybe I should give it a try. :/