Is it okay to use nylons for acoustic guitar?


New member
Hi all,
I am a newbie here. Can I use nylons for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd string of my Sigma acoustic guitar instead of normal steel type; since that nylons are mend for classical only. If it is possible, what are the good recommended ones? please advise.



In the first place, the nylon strings for the G, B and E strings at much thicker than their steel counterparts, and substituting them onto a traditionally steel-strung instrument would not mean simply dropping them in.

If your intention of doing so involves your need for less pain when playing the guitar, you could instead work with a classical guitar rather than a folk guitar when starting out.

Also bear in mind that the tuning string posts of folk guitars are much smaller than classical guitars, and since nylon strings stretch more than steel strings, and require more tuning post to tune up, it is not even remotely viable to string up your folk guitar with nylon strings.

I saw one guy do it before, and it looked utterly ridiculous since his tuning posts were bunched up with the nylon strings.
Bear in mind that acoustic steel strings has ball ends that are slotted into the bridge and secured by bridge pins. Nylon strings dont have ball ends.

vheissu, you'd be surprised. The same joker who strung nylons onto his folk guitar apparently tied the strings to the bridge pins, which were plugged tightly into the bridge.
wow sorry to highjack guys, but i thought that accoustic guitars could use nylon strings too? sry i really dont know cause ive been playing on an electric all these time ^^

Of course. But imagine that the human race can be so inventive and desperate or chin chye at the same time, we have guitars which use steel strings, nylons, cat gut etc etc.. anything to get that elusive sacred thing called...
