Iron Maiden Singapore 2005 petition. Pls support!


it'll depend on whether iron maiden management will do a tour of asia first before deciding on which locations in asia they wanna perform at.

then the show companies (lamc, lushington) will try to lobby for them, by agreeing to their booking fee, riders, % of ticket sales etc.

then the event organizer must book the venue, hire PA system according to their requirements, pyrotechnics, publicity, circus clowns etc... a huge investment before guaranteed returns.

and this is usually done waaaayy in advance of the date btw.
yes thank you for sharing how concerts happen. Maiden is doing a World Tour this year and dates are still being booked all over Europe. this year is their 25th anniversary, it is a big thing and they will definitely tour asia. they always go to Japan at least. right now there are tour dates booked until July. an Asian date can still be squeezed in by the end of the year if we act fast. but before LAMC or Lushington are even going to try and lobby for them, they have to know that the show will do well for them. i mean to me it's obvious, this is Iron freakin' Maiden we're talking about!! not some pussy nu-metal band. but they don't know that. thus the purpose of the petition. whether or not one of them can even work something out with Iron Maiden's management is not my primary concern. if they don't even talk to their management we won't even get to that point! my primary concern is to make them aware that there IS a demand for a Maiden concert and start the ball rolling so that there WILL be contact made with their management. Iron Maiden love their fans and if they are asked to come, they WILL come!! but someone has to ASK them to come. and i'm gonna poke and prod organizers here in the butt until they DO ask them!

so like i said, don't worry about other problems first. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. right now, just sign the petition and wake up their idea! i don't know why the DT petition failed. did the owner even send it in to organizers? were DT even touring at that time? eg. if they're in the studio making an album you don't expect them to drop everything just to come here and do a concert even if a million people sign up. but Iron Maiden IS touring NOW. now is the time!! SCREEEEEAAAM FOR ME SINGAPORE!!!!
Yes rory i saw some of the photos!
these guys have just wat it takes!!
thats it!!
no words to describe the maiden era!!
keep the support high ppl!!

I wanna see Dave and Adrian in action here lahhhh. Wah laneh.

Come on guys, SIGN IT, 3notes maybe right lah, but don't hurt to sign right. Lol click put one name email then settled liao. Won't even take more than 2 mins.

Unless you're using 14.4kbps modem =/
Buckethead Live in Singapore Indoor Stadium!

Now that's a show! Haiz .... Guess its hard to see our favourite artistes here, so far i only get to see RHCP and Vai .... I want to meet Tom Morello ... The dude changed my life .... not only in guitar playing .... But the whole voice of the revolution thing ....
Hey if the petition fail how about a mass order for the concert in Japan? When it is available that is. Then we all can share hotel room or something save some money :D
Then whats the point of going all the way to japan. Might as well work 2 3 days to get 100++ bucks to stand at the front row right. Haha

Eh good idea, lets all book a 5 star hotel and stay inside. One room, say 30 peeps. Lol sleep on floor lah.
First of all, that's not allowed. Secondly, why not just go US/UK to see? Why bother to go thru so much trouble? Most oso pay few hundred more for plane ticket what.
gordonzz said:
but the tix normalli at 100+ .. not over 200 i think... last time rhcp here.. and i think the most ex is 155... hmmmm

155 for rhcp. This is IRON MAIDEN. They're gods of metal. Everbody metalhead in the world has probably heard their stuff. It'll be 150 at least for the last row.
haha don't forget how much the eagles most ex tickets costs.. $499. i'd expect the highest priced tickets to be at least $300 maybe- and be more than happy to fork out the $$ to go for it :D
I'll keep some spare in my bank in case it happens. I guess you all should too :D Maybe sell of a guitar or two :lol:

Oh well, wherever, wherever you are...
Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far!!! :twisted:
i love Iron Maiden, my all-time favourite heroes!
i also hope Maiden would come but i really doubt so... :(

last year The Eagles Live In Concert 2004 Farewell at Singapore Indoor Stadium ticket prices were like...
Standard - $499, $350, $225, $125 (front view)
$125, $99 (side / rear view)
and its like The Eagles are more mainstream pop/rock; that's also probably why Singapore organiser Lu$hington Entertainment$ Pte Ltd wanted and managed to bring them in. As Eagles were big and popular in the 70's-80's, quite a number of older women even went to see them, they also have more spending power than us.

where else Iron Maiden is a metal band and not mainstream. (ie. mostly young and old metalheads wld attend) mainstream = $$$ to $ingapore orgainsers. even if Maiden wants to come, a Singapore organiser would have to bring them in. though there are quite a lot of metalheads in sg, most organisers would not want to take a risk cause they only think of $ and not of the fans! (they have to see whether its profitable)

even if they managed to bring them in, the ticket price probably around same or even more than The Eagles concert. ($499?!?) can even watch 3 gd concerts in US/Australia. even if you hardcore maiden fan, at $499 for best ticket you also would feel the pinch(ouch!) students/young adults like us the very most we can afford is $200+. a metal concert in sg is not a metal concert due to sg crappy restrictions. (btw since when a big name metal band concert held in sg?) might as well fly overseas to watch, at the same time have short holiday; moreover the sets/equip in sg concerts usually not comparable to what they have in overseas concerts...

this is $ingapore you know? morever sg govt not v. supportive of rock(esp. metal). if maiden was an Art performance/act performing at E$planade, then got more chance. also over-protective sg govt like to equate metal=satanic, rock=drugs/sex, punk=social rebels...

the only consolation for us poor island peasants is to watch the cen$ored Iron Maiden DVDs/VCDs.. Sad But True...:cry:

I'm no Iron Maiden fan but instead of just doing an online petition, why don't you write to Iron Maiden's management to see if they're doing an Asian tour sometime.

Old 60s bands like the eagles and rollin stones charge top dollar prices cos they know their target market are ex-rebels turned doctors/lwayers/engineers. I'm sure IM's management knows what kinda crowd they pull in and won't be so unreasonable in pricing, but do keep in mind that the bottomline of making money is still the priority.

Why are you so negative? If you want it bad enough you'll go and do it, restrictions or otherwise.