Ipod repair


New member
Hi, anyone know of any reputable place to repair ipod screens?

My lcd screen is leaking and epicentre quoted me 200 bucks to replace it. Would really really appreciate it if anyone could refer me to a repairman or a shop. Preferably around 100 bucks?
the apple shops should have them (i know creative have refurbished sets on sale in their creative shop in marina square). or if you cant find in the apple shop, you can get it on the apple singapore website.


and apparently if you go and ask them to repair your ipod in apple shop within warranty and it gets replaced, they give you a refurbished set instead of a brand new set. (to check if its refurbished, just check the serial number, should begin with either 1 or 2. cant remember haha.)
hmm cant you buy a new ipod for 200bucks? lol. Im in Canada, and i got the new gen iPod nano for like 150CAD thats like 180 SGD.
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i bought my ipod classic 160GB when it was just released for SGD 598, with a few additional "freebies". (ie ipod wall charger, 1 year 10% discount card, cant remember what the other things are.)
thanks for the replies guys. Ill think about the refurbished sets. cause the ipod is working fine, plays music and all, just the goddamned screen is spoilt