ipod help!

my ipod nano 2gb after restoring the sound that i hear in it sounds distorted..i tried everything. EQs etc. but nothing works..any ideas people? nid help urgently here :( appreciate ur help.
Or perhaps the earpiece?
I have SO MANY ipod problems but none are sound wise.

Or maybe you wanna check if there's an updated software?
i think that time i accidentaly updated its software..then it suddenly has this "put the earpiece jack halfway" kinda sound.i tried with 3 different earpieces and all sound the same :(
might be ur input jack, how old is ur ipod?
if there is warranty, u might want to go get it changed
my ipod's input jack kinda got worn out and died..

i recently just changed it and its working well again :)
plus, i also got to change to a new enclosure