introduction: michelle


New member

I'm michelle and i'm 18 this year. Currently having a long break from JC so i happened to stumble upon this webpage while i was googling.

anyway, my hobbies are singing and playing the acoustic guitar. Other than that, i love dancing and playing sports. Anything that acts as an anodyne and a palliative from the stressful world that we live in.
hi michelle. yes, the world is very stressful, and having to go to due to my vocab deficit adds to the stress :D

well, hi!! IM GUYrenCE

im a dancer too...hahaha...what kind of dance Genre are you?

im into POP R&B and HipHop music

lol Happened to stumble on the website.. wow she hasnt replied has she? that's cool.. a singuitarist.. u got msn?? i'll add u! =D
wooo welcome.there is like a sudden burst of female members.

harrison you know the ans to your qns.haha.