Introducing a neat pick: Wirething


New member
For those in the know, metal picks give GREAT full bodied tone, but they are usually very noisy and scrap the wound strings too much for comfortable playing.


I got some of them with me. 2 x steel ones and 1 x Brass.

They are the BEST metal picks EVER.

I wouldn't say they got NO scraping or they are dead quiet, they are still metal picks so there is some scraping, there is some noise, but its much less than the norm.

If anyone is interested, you can order from:

Its worth a try. ;)
Wah sure or not, last time I try metal strings like scraping the whole layer off. But this wire thing looks kinda different and dat it might actually work... will check it out man.
skink83, like what I said, it still will scrap but way way less than normal metal picks.

Yeap! I got it from there. :) I don't recall the shipping fees but it took maybe 10 days to reach?

Something cool to try if you have some dough to spare...
it can only be bought online?grrrrr..i dun have any visa or anything to pay online..shredcow, can sell my one? :lol: or u buy for me thn i pay u?
Sorry guys, I'm not doing a mass order for this. :)

You don't need credit cards, can use the POSB Debit Cards, free application.

Just found out shipping is 10USD or 20USD. 20USD obviously faster lah. :)
I really want one!! Ok shredcow since u have 2 steel 1 brass, why not sell my 1 steel? LOL i give u bessssttt price!!