intro : xynkro


New member
im a poor 18year old junior college student with hopes of playing in the next Electrico. I have dreams of having an awesome fx board like many softies here but so far with all my sweat and hardwork ive only got a chorus delay and a jnh.

Im having end teen crisis and pre adult crisis as i think im going to screw up my As cos im spending too much time on my guitars and gigs.

I hope to be a drop out like a rockstar yet i harbour hopes of other aspirations!
if you want to be the next Electrico, check up on their menber's educational profile. they dont get to where they are with no education. :wink:

yes, they rock. the right way.
be a rock star BUT get the education & keep the day job...

I did...

Coz here in SG's all in the bottom line