Intro: satch


New member
hey guys, seeing all other friends doing intros, i decided to do one too.

well, i 16 this yr. used to be from swiss cottage primary and maris stella high school, hoping to enter mass comm in SP. i started playing guitar 2 years ago.

well, influences from guitar come from almost everyone. be it a little kid who jams smoke on the water at swee lee to a shredder shredding gazzilion notes a sec. thats cos i believe that i can learn from every single person that i meet.

well type of music i am into ranges from pop stuff,rock bands such as GnR, x japan, mr big and KISS to shred fest music by malmsteen, vai, satch, paul gilbert to powermetal by dragonforce. i also dig movie themes, tv themes and video game themesongs

i do play a little bit of drums here and there as i find drumming to be pretty fun.

recently got a new pedal for direct recording, so these few days i have been addicted to jamming and recording stuff alone and also with some friends.

i am currently jamming here and there, got no actual fixed band yet.

some of my music can be viewed at

well, anyway, jst ask away if u wanna know more about me.
did u perform californication as well as creep a few years back? in maris stella. I'm not form there but i know people there.
yea, do i knw u? haha? i mean, maybe i knw u from somewhere since u r nt from mshs and u knw about those stuff?
i m from ZHSS, zhonghua secondary. My friend from MSHS got show me a video of some youth day concert or what. My friend is bassist for muddy pool.
oh, whats his name? im the one who gave the circulated the video. so i should knw him if he has the video. haha.
haha, thats the one. me and my friends always go to his place to chill. then he show us that video during youth day, then got 1 guy jumping and dancing infront of the bands.

quite funny.
oh that's sad to hear. BTW, how do u all record ur guitar playing? and do u play the entire rhythm part and then record the lead parts seperately? Interested to record my own playing to see what mistakes i have.