Intro: KaleidoMusic


New member
Hi guys, here's Eugene Tan (aka Eush). I'm coming 25 this year(old man liow), and plays the synthesizer Yamaha MM6(i use it like a keyboard), and a little bit of guitar. Self taught, no certs.

Although I would love to tell everybody I'm a musician, but I'm actually more of a hobbyist. I play chords and write songs which my friends all tell me is classified under mainstream POP ballads.

Decided to introduce myself after after seeing my buddy Ben (TidesofBlood) also in the forum. CHEERS Ben!

Also a little bit about myself outside S.O.F.T... I'm a finance/economics forum whore. I love to read about economics and it's impacts locally/overseas. I'm also a financial Consultant, doing mainly planning for personals. I'm into investments and risk management. $$$

Proper planning brings better financial health, less worries abt money, which gives us more time to play music! WOO!

Eugene Tan @
welcome to the jungle
we got what u need
if u like your the hobby, probably,
u"ll like soft indeed