Intro: Hello to all from Marc


New member
Hi Guys & Gals,

I'm new to SOFT and thought I should introduce myself.

Been in Singapore and SE Asia for about 8 years now. (Wow, has it really been that long?) Have enjoyed it since I got here.

Love guitar and some drums as well.

Been playing guitar for about 10 years now. My first guitar was a beat up old Fender acoustic that was impossible to play and murdered my fingers bc the action was so high. I still miss it!

Love rock, folk, blues, progressive rock, hard rock, alt rock, and electronic music. Used to be quite a metal head back in the day, but don't listen to it quite as much these days. Though I still crank the hell out of Ride the Lightning Guess I'm mellowing in old age. :)

Have a Gibson Les Paul, Fender EJ Strat, Gibson SG 61 "Les Paul" Reissue, and a Cole Clark FL2 electric-acoustic.

Hope to help out and contribute to the community here.

A warm welcome to you! I'm sure your contributions would be very much appreciated here.
so i see M is for Marc....good to see u here....welcome n make yrself comfy.

mellow with age???? what a statement... esp. when got so many equipment to play with--
i mean yr many guitars???!!!!

anyway WELCOME n CHEERS!!!!!
FGL, mus, Lovehurts, Debbie, Sloopy: Thanks for the welcome!

Lovehurts, Yes, I am originally from Texas in the States.

Sloopy, collecting guitars has become a bit of a habit for me. So many good guitars to own and play, so little time and money! :)
Marc - Cool! I've always wanted to visit Texas! I have relatives there in Sugarland I think? Or perhaps I got the name wrong. Nah, but first things first, I wanna visit Graceland!! I hear the ticket prices are pretty pricey!

Ooh btw, what kinda music are you into or do u play? =)