Intro: HaMLeT


New member
Hmm...talking abt intro...y not u guys out there intoduce your band members n your music bout tht..? To start wif .. I'm frm Shakespear band:guitarist...Shakespear members ( Am:Guitar / Jai:Bass / Eddy:Vox / Fuad:Drum ) Genre: Melodic Progressive Rock.. :wink:
Guys..y evry1 is not following up? r u ashamed to introduce ur own band...r u all not proud of ur own band...wonder if i start tis intro in US or Western how will b those angmoh response...sigh :(
:eek: I'll start off this...erm..reply post..
Yes I am ashamed.....I dun have a band....YET!
Haha...being stuck in a shithole(aka perth) means i can't get my band start but mi and my mates in Singapore have a band in planning....
I'm the drummer Band name is Ten Mile Junction (was....victorious losers....after that it was fish army....:D)
We WOULD BE(soon) a 4 piece meant band...O 4 piece tot though...haha..Yep..
Hopefully we can get a gig at our old school (zhonghua sec.)
*crosses finger....*;)
Cheers mateys!
Ali - would-be vocals
Wei An- soon-to-be bass goddess...erm..GOd
MArvin - Guitar
teX - noise maker and full-time demoraliser
Good!! Keep it up anti_ap...cant wait to watch ur band playing..n keep tht spirit going.. btw wat genre of music ur band r into..? juz curious :wink:
Great!! Better if can have another column for bands intro n break it up into different genre of bout tht james..hehe..juz a suggestion only.. :wink:
hey guys!! been a pleasure playing in the same competitions as you guys!
love your original song at the asian beat semis! melodic goreng brudder!!
keep that spirit up guys, can go far! and the bros of Fatskunks are behind you!

World Peace!! :D
U guys rock brudder! Some nice guitar work going on there! Respect ur vocals man! Reminds me very much of those 80s rock singers man! Keep on rocking! We'll one day rock the stage together! :twisted:
hey ho...let`s go!!!!!!

hey ho............
met these guys during the Qfinals of SBOTB...great the `Creeping Death` cover u guys played...
great energy,great work....nice!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well!!! Me after a long break am surprise ( pleasant )...finally Soft has reach to 6000 members...congrats!!!
Keep it Up!!!!
Hi every1 forrumers!

To all my beloved forrumers my band have created new website , though its still not that great but we welcome any comment ...good or bad ! :wink:

Our website add is

Till then ...

Cheers evry1.. :wink: