You're 10 years younger than me!!

Blardy hell..i feel ancient

Welcome to SOFT anyways!

Have fun here!

We're nice people..on most days..
Kids these days are growing so fast.

When I was 11 I was still playing in the playground and watching ninja turtles haha :D
><. Okay then I shall go and watch my powerpuff girls and completely shut myself off music except for hillary duff and avril lavigne. LOL.
hmm colleen is that right?

I tell you my sad story.

My dad let me tried on drums at pri 4 (10 yrs old) and i played till i PSLE (12 yrs old). Then i hang out and havoc-ed with my diva-ish frens after PSLE, then i neglected all my music lessons altogether.

-then i was taking afew stuff.
many more.

Cos I loved to let loose so much i skipped all the lessons till my parents gave up on me...

then so far sadly i have only excelled in TKD and swimming...

saddening. then only after Os i decided to pick up my drums again.

Meh..i am sooooooo rusty in fact i forgot every single shit except the note reading part.

made my drum tr go bonkers aha.
There my fellow fren now so pro.
Then i was thinking how pro i might have been if i hadn't stop then.

Now i am sweet 16 eh and nowhere. the only attractiveness is youth which is going off soon.
Think abt this sweet thang =)

Learning music is never premature babe. if u have the interest, DONT LET ANYTHING COME INTO YOUR WAY. I WAITED AFTER O LVL N I AM REGRETTING OK!!!!


start now and sustain your interest! good luck and welcome to soft. (go for Rock For Good next year when your parents let you out to attend gigs k)
omg. lol 3 pages already. crazy. anyways .. yea hw DID u find this site? anyways. hi.

btw any1 out there who read Betelhead's intro thing.. hope got some great vocalist person reply.. we desperate haha... btw im the band's bassist.. hi everyone
speaking of which.. you haven't mentioned your influences.

Oh dear me I'm forgetting my manners.. welcome to soft!
hmm kay.

fave bands include The Strokes, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Ronin, Electrico and a few other stuff.

if that's what you call influences o_O

i'm a bit lost here.
eh... dont say too young lah... my bandmates started when they were ur age too haha... jus some useful advice when ur thinking bout getting ur drums... CYMBALS ARE HOLY! DONT GO CHEAP ON THEM! dont get sheet bronzee cuz sheet bronze are actually shit bronze! haha...

anyway good luck on ur journey... hope u become the first ms portnoy in say 10 yrs time? haha...
hey being here is a start already. honestly i feel wad i regretted not doin is my strokings when i was starting out, the HOLY RUDIMENTS!!!!!! haha
hope u'll cont drumming on and hope to see u on the gigging scene when ur older :)