hmm colleen is that right?
I tell you my sad story.
My dad let me tried on drums at pri 4 (10 yrs old) and i played till i PSLE (12 yrs old). Then i hang out and havoc-ed with my diva-ish frens after PSLE, then i neglected all my music lessons altogether.
-then i was taking afew stuff.
many more.
Cos I loved to let loose so much i skipped all the lessons till my parents gave up on me...
then so far sadly i have only excelled in TKD and swimming...
saddening. then only after Os i decided to pick up my drums again.
Meh..i am sooooooo rusty in fact i forgot every single shit except the note reading part.
made my drum tr go bonkers aha.
There my fellow fren now so pro.
Then i was thinking how pro i might have been if i hadn't stop then.
Now i am sweet 16 eh and nowhere. the only attractiveness is youth which is going off soon.
Think abt this sweet thang =)
Learning music is never premature babe. if u have the interest, DONT LET ANYTHING COME INTO YOUR WAY. I WAITED AFTER O LVL N I AM REGRETTING OK!!!!