Intro-blog (Mandatory?) - This Overseas Man


New member
So I'm sort of new to Singapore, except I'll be leaving soon, but definitely new to the Singapore music scene. I'm interested in the fact that although it's small, because it's small startups just have so much response, so fast. It's fascinating, and sort of amazing.

So I'm from overseas, yeah, and I've got overseas experience - New Zealand, for those who care to know - and knowledge, and vocal experience, training, and performing, for well nigh seven years. Over a wide variety of styles - things people just aren't even exposed to, here, unless they were raised that way.

I love, love, jazz, reggae. But I'm getting into Canto and Hokkien and Mando karaoke, as well, and I'd love to have more of that experience, before I head back. Cross-pollination of vocal styles is the way to go, I reckon.

Check my group out at - two semi-amateur beatboxers (I'm amateur, my partner is not) and we're looking for a third (fourth? fifth?) member, preferably female. More people are cool though, too.

Chill, next time - if I remember - how to sing in different styles; there is a difference, and certain techniques are fantastic in one style, and horrible in another. E.g. belting.