Interesting History about your Family?

my granny's grandfather was a chinese official. which is those magistrates and stuffs. still got the imperial beads lying around at her house. and my granny's family owned the whole ahu road or smth near yishun. but was asked to leave by the singapore government at that time ( 1930s? ) and given a small sum of money. if not now i'd be a great collector of guitars. lol. and my grandfather side he worked as a bartender when he was young. nothing impressive, but the best grandfather imo. love him, miss him..
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K182=Read more about it in a book called September Sacrifice. Can't possibly type everything out here but that's just the rough details.

OK, let me help you out. From Amazon:

In his engrossing true-crime thriller, September Sacrifice, Mark Horner reconstructs the extraordinary details of Girly Chew's murder case in Albuquerque, New Mexico, beginning with her disappearance on September 9, 1999, through the murder trials of [Armand Chavez] her estranged husband and his girlfriend, Linda Henning, portions of which were rebroadcast on Court TV recently. Doubtless, such a bizarre and fiendish plot could only have originated from the bowels of some hellish, inhuman creature.

Girly Chew was the perfect wife: hard working, submissive, domestic, spiritually centered, and accommodating, with a naïve and cheerful outlook and notable lack of cynicism or suspicion. When she came from Malaysia to New Mexico to marry her "successful American doctor" pen pal, her parents were understandably concerned. Typical of narcissists, Chavez removed Girly from the familiar comfort of her home and family, and kept her isolated and uninformed throughout their marriage. When she eventually discovered his infidelities, he reacted with sudden violence, nearly strangling her before a neighbor intervened. His second attempt was predictably more vicious, instigating a police report, a restraining order and a divorce suit. At that point, Girly should have returned to Malaysia. Instead, she hid in a small apartment she hoped Chavez would not discover, and attended karate classes.

At first, after Girly's disappearance, Chavez was investigated and arrested by the FBI for making threats across state lines via a traceable telephone in South Carolina. The feds dropped the charges when New Mexico indicted him for first-degree murder and locked him up in the Bernalillo County Jail, populated by Hispanic gang members and jaded thugs who laughed at Chavez's ostentatious resume and nasally voice and threatened his puny life. Chavez eventually agreed to a plea bargain where he admitted to Girly's murder in exchange for a transfer to a prison in Wyoming, even though investigators had not found Girly's remains.
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My maternal grandfather was an English rubber planter who married my Chinese grandmother in 30s Malaya. They had two daughters (me mum and my aunt) who look Eurasian (however, not me, except the curly hair; my father's genes were too strong).

In the chaos of the war, my grandfather was either killed or went missing. After the war, my grandmother married a Sikh (woohoo, my race-blind grandma!), and promptly lost touch with the rest of the family (no racial harmony then, what) including the 2 kids. I only met my grandmother and her kids in my teens. They had a couple of cows then (!).

So, anyway, now I have some Sikh-Chinese aunts/uncles (but a couple are younger than me). And when she was younger, my granny can make some mean chappatis and dhal curry. That's when I learnt the wonders of ghee. Sedap!
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my grandma (dad's mum) had 4 husbands...
i dunno why she had 4 hubands lol. too strong i think.
her last hubby was my dad's dad who is a chinese.he's dead long time back.

i was told i have a lot of chinese cousins,uncle,aunts whom i have not met b4 in spore n indon. only my aunt (dad's younger sis) keep in touch with.
ok i m confused
My maternal grandfather's prefecture was nearby Nagasaki, and because of radiation, many from the nearby area developed cancers and stuff even for many years/decades after the bombings.
I only know my paternal great-grandfather managed to survive the tortures(I think it was the water treatment) during WWII and was killed by a reversing truck in a carpark many many many years later. The irony...

My maternal grandfather was an abusive drunkard and my grandmother divorced him many many many years back. He apparently died some time ago but no one in my family knew.

Oh, and my current family survived a disastrous mudslide somewhere near Genting many many years ago and we got onto the newspaper. LOL.
That's when I learnt the wonders of ghee. Sedap!

THIS deserves a thread on its own. :)

Apparently i'm descendant of Bawean royalty. As in Great-granny(or the equivalent) escaped a revolution of some kind and ran to Singapore. Apparently, mom told me it's gg for us if we went back and ppl found out. :/
Quote: Kerplunk182

"Originally Posted by Aki S. Ian
i traced back my family tree and i found out that i am a decendent of the first man and woman on earth."

SERIOUS?!?! Cool! Me too! -_-"

WE ARE RELATED THEN!!!!!!! hahahaha
HOLY CRAP! Cool beans!

Oh one of my maternal relatives was the one that opened Eu Yan Sang that chinese medical shop. But if i'm not wrong, has deceased.
my uncle's plays guitar, my grandpa plays guitar, my greatgrandfather plays guitars and double bass and from wad i heard my greatgreat grandpa plays the piano...all of the above plays jazz...haha....i guess the strings runs in my veins....krrrrrang!!!!!
from wad i learnt from this thread is that, old ppl used to have alot of wives/husbands....which means, they are super strong n very daring....

aniwaes, my grandfather(mom side), whom none of his grand children got to see him coz he died of a young age, used to box, as in boxing. I saw him in the very old pictures of him with american president(duno who) and celebrity of those times. which i was as famous as him.

Bt i was heavily built like him....big n tall....

aniwaes, my grandfather(mom side), whom none of his grand children got to see him coz he died of a young age, used to box, as in boxing. I saw him in the very old pictures of him with american president(duno who) and celebrity of those times. which i was as famous as him.

Bt i was heavily built like him....big n tall....


go learn boxing now laa... xD
my great great grandfather was a dutch settler from malacca, he owned a huge ass house here in beach road during the 1800's up till 1840's which he sold to an arab trader, that later became the Emmerson's Hotel and finally the first raffles instituition boarding house.

my great grandad moved back to eindhoven in his teens, and back to singapore during the invasion by the germs but couldnt escape the war. was supposed to be enlisted into the dutch army to serve in indonesia against the japs, but ended up being a part of the eurasian vc army during the war and died while in a street fight with the japs in selegie.

my grandad then joined the vc and shot 2 protesters on the padang, one in the head.
he then married a certain lady with the surname of Cashin, irish settlers in singapore. yes thats right, the white house in punggol belongs to her family.

haha, my Velge surname has a rich history.
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"old ppl used to have alot of wives/husbands....which means, they are super strong n very daring...."

i learned that last time ppl get married to find love. now ppl find love to get married (and to divorce)
I also learned that my grandma was a gumball machine just like many of our grandmas' here.. CNY ang bao alot alot from uncle auntie hor
Check with yr grand dad if its truck no.31, enroute to Ponggol beach, exactly location is Lim Teck Lee (now reclaim & coverup), facing connie island. Its after 17 avenue b4 track 24. Haha... same story line but not sure which location.
I was told after the ordeal (dead bodies @the beach), all the prawns caught was fully red in color. Sad! My grans now checked-in liao (heaven) so no more stories to verify....

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