IMPORTANT. Petition.


New member
Hi guys.

Some of you know me, most of you don't. It's been a long while since I last posted here, ever since that unpleasant occurance.

But I now issue a call to stand together. As many of you know, copyright companies are planning to ban tabs, stating copyright infringement. That's right. TABS.

I don't know if this will work, but help us out here. If you think considering tablatures copyright infringement, please, I beg you, sign this petition.

On a personal note, if even tabs get banned... I don't doubt they'll start banning cover bands soon.[/b]
The US Music Publishers' Association (MPA), which represents sheet music companies, will launch its first campaign against such sites in 2006.

MPA president Lauren Keiser said he wanted site owners to be jailed.

He said unlicensed guitar tabs and song scores were widely available on the internet but were "completely illegal".

Mr Keiser said he did not just want to shut websites and impose fines, saying if authorities can "throw in some jail time I think we'll be a little more effective".


David Israelite, president of the National Music Publishers’ Association, expressed his so-called “concerns” by saying: “Unauthorised use of lyrics and tablature deprives the songwriter of the ability to make a living, and is no different than stealing…”

They're going after Lyrics websites as well now. Double WTF.
First they ban illegal downloads,then tabs, then maybe those lyrical websites as well!
I wonder if next time they will start sueing ppl for humming out fave tunes in the bathrooms :lol:

FullMetalJacket said:
First they ban illegal downloads,then tabs, then maybe those lyrical websites as well!

They are already pressing for jail time for lyrics websites. Soon they'll ban instruments outright, and the only people who are allowed to play music are "Licensed Musicians", and the only music we're gonna hear is when they blast it from MPA-sanctioned public loudspeakers and nowhere else.
they always seem to ban so many things...but one way or another...we always seem to find another way to get to mp3 downloads, underage smoking and gd example was the good ol Napster dat was use to dl stuff...after it closed for a while...limewire came up...

these things doesn't always seem to work
yeahh.. we did go thru the same crap last year.. think it was in december?? they were saying the same crap..

to the authorities and power that be behind this crap: face it, there's too many of us who can and WILL rebel against such crap.. u'd be jailing a third of the worlds population if u do decide to go thru with this simply impossible action...