i'm new to gearbox help!


New member
hey there, i just need to tackle one big problem...

how do i start recording and stop recording? i can't seem to find the button..

i know this question totally sounds so dumb :( help me if you can thanks!
If it's Gearbox you're trying to record with, you can't. It is not a recording application, hence the missing record button.
like smurfpiss mentioned, gearbox is not a recording software.
or are you referring to its player/practice function?
so i use live lite to record...could anyone help me like step by step what i have to do in order to get my bass recorded...i feel so lost :( cos i tried pressing some kind of record button in live lite. but nothing was recorded..
At Live Lite, the right panel has a tutorial. Click on "RECORDING AUDIO" and it will guide you how to set-up your Gearbox and Live Lite for recording.

You need patience here. It's confusing at times.
so i use live lite to record...could anyone help me like step by step what i have to do in order to get my bass recorded...i feel so lost :( cos i tried pressing some kind of record button in live lite. but nothing was recorded..

Let me try to explain the quick steps:
1. plug-in your Toneport and fire up both Gearbox and Live
2. in Live, go to preferences and tab Audio, set both Audio Input Device and Audio Output Device to Toneport UX1/UX2
3. in Live click the main record button at the top until it turns RED
4. then click one of the record button at the bottom of the channel strip until its RED too
5. play something and make sure there's signal: you'll see green bars moving vertically at the channel and master strip
6. press the play button at the top and start recording

IMPORTANT: Make sure to always check step 2, because without Toneport engaged with Live, you won't be able to record anything. Hope this helps... And once you've recorded something, please post it so we can all listen! :D
Yea you need to install ur Ableton software.

Anyway, just to go off topic, cos I don't wanna create a new thread, how do I record more than 4 tracks, without having to pay for the upgrade? HAHA. I know I sound like a cheapo, but what the heck no harm asking.
how do I record more than 4 tracks, without having to pay for the upgrade?

Hmmmm.. i understand you'll get the Ableton Live bundled together with your Toneport UX1 or UX2. And you'll be able to record up to 8 tracks.. I'm assuming you're asking how to convert the MIDI tracks to Audio tracks?

- highlight the 4 Midi tracks and press Del
- go to Insert and click "Insert Audio Tracks" or Control T (PC), Apple T (Mac)

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