I'm deproving. Need help!!


New member
Hey guys! I need alot of help. 8O I haven't been jamming with my band for quite a long period of time. Even though Ive been practicing on my own suddenly I felt dat I become lousier, nt improving. :? I have been playin the same song for mths already... :cry:

Will learning new songs help? :roll:
You've got to learn new things in order to improve... I don't think it will help by just playing the same song over and over again...
Hmm playing guitar machiam playing MMORPG. You will die lose XP and u sian, cause so darn hard to level. then u stop there. if not, u fight low XP monsters (playing same songs) which will MAYBE make u better but will take u a longggggg time.

MMORPG reflects a lot on life. HURHUR but anyway. im stuck as well. just gotta force yourself to learn stuffs. ok we put it this way, playing music is not about, attaining to a level to impress or like if u shred, u power. but its about having fun.

dont learn those things u will not enjoy or have fun with one. like very jialat, will take even slower. just learn those songs u hear on radio then u find it nice, or any mp3s u have. whack, learn, then keep playing, until sian, move to another song. and on and on and onnnnnnnn
weird i find that i improve faster playing without a band.
Well, dont get stuck on to one song, learn other songs, other styles, diversify your playing ability Dont just grow vertically on the guitar, but grow horizontally too.
Newbie said:
Hmm playing guitar machiam playing MMORPG. You will die lose XP and u sian, cause so darn hard to level. then u stop there. if not, u fight low XP monsters (playing same songs) which will MAYBE make u better but will take u a longggggg time.

MMORPG reflects a lot on life. HURHUR but anyway. im stuck as well. just gotta force yourself to learn stuffs. ok we put it this way, playing music is not about, attaining to a level to impress or like if u shred, u power. but its about having fun.

dont learn those things u will not enjoy or have fun with one. like very jialat, will take even slower. just learn those songs u hear on radio then u find it nice, or any mp3s u have. whack, learn, then keep playing, until sian, move to another song. and on and on and onnnnnnnn

Thats nice. Good illustration. I'll go for monsters around my level then. XD
learn some other easy songs, if you can, learn some theory :lol:

den can show off your theory to your uneducated friends, then you feel really good :lol:
Well, I tried theory la. But i seriously suck at memorising them. XD All I know are notes on the fretboard but must count :? For scales, I did try but after dat min i forgotten it all.
in order to remeber theory...

first of all: love it first..

know your pentatonic.

know your chord progression.

study your fav guitarist ( his influence, his fav scale, and come out something like them)... this is wat some said vertical guitar growth..
hifi_killer said:
weird i find that i improve faster playing without a band.
Well, dont get stuck on to one song, learn other songs, other styles, diversify your playing ability Dont just grow vertically on the guitar, but grow horizontally too.
+1. Coz u dont have limitations when ur alone. Ur open to the whole encyclopaedia of music & guitar.
when a tune hits you in the head, try to write it out on the guitar.. and with the band, try doing originals together.. i feel it helps the band improve faster, and builds originality..