IGNITE! Music Festival 2009

right on!
last year was massive!
this year is more than massive!

i'm gonna sweat it all out on that day!!

see you all there!
Hi all!! A few more days to IGNITE! Music Festival 2009 and anticipation is running really high!

We have uploaded promo videos of some of the participating bands in IGNITE! and other new updates so please keep visiting http://www.rp.sg/ignite for the latest lowdown.

If you're coming to this prestigious festival or your friends are performing, please spread the word around and forward this event to your friends! If you're unsure of attending, we assure you will not be disappointed.

2 more days to IGNITION people!! Good music for good causes!
Anyone know the timing for the bands tomorrow? I have school till pretty late tomorrow and i don't know if i can make it in time to catch the bands.
Does anyone know the small kid wearing bandana, white shirt got some blue and red line and light blue jeans ? He shouted i want your bra, undies and all that . LOL .
distortedbassist: To who?!

I went down straight after school in time to catch AVA play. (I think i was the only idiot who went there in my school uniform) But whoa, you guys weren't exaggerating when you said that the lighting owns the one at Singfest! AVA's set was good despite the multiple guitar glitches. Missed Caracal, but i heard they were really good.
Kerplunk, saw ya in uniform. LOL!..

The place was massive!! Superb!! All the while when i was there, Im thinking, WHAT BUDGET DO RP GOT!?

Superb. Hope to see fireworks soon HAHA! ahem ahem 2010. ahem.. 53A very nice. Juxtapose power . Caracal, YOU GUYS RULES! AVA , We are not the same.... YEAH!
Heregoesnoth!ng. Good renditions! Qovein reminds me of paramore la sey!

Wah lao, last year I can't go cause of GUard Duty. This year, WOW!

The lightings PWNS! haa.. simply WOW la people. Wondering how much everything costs. In terms of equipments / cameras / etc etc , this is one of the best.. Can say, same level or even more than Singfest / baybeats.

I would like to thank , RP , TRCC , Various charity org , and everyone who made Ignite possible. Thanks for the great shows guys! An event to look for every year!

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