If you've ever spent your childhood in the 80s....

yea i remember silverhawks....i had the golden boy and a baddie spaceship...the one htat looks like a giant squid
the only cartoon i watch nowadays is Spongebob Squarepants.that one also if time permits. haha. spongebob rocks my socks!

but hell...i was a Visionaries junkie last time. One thing i hated bout it was the toys were damn expensive at that time. secretly wished i could transform into a bear when danger comes....hahaha :roll:
Yea, that cute mini skirt to go along with. Come to think of it, i still have those toys, the Megazord, Dragonzord stuff :lol:
"Mask crusad-ers, working overtime, fighting crime, fighting crime!"

haha..those were the days of Sky commanders, He-Man, GI JOE, Smurfs!
loved watching sunday morning cartoons...sighz...few things you could look forward to. and they had those cornflakes packages where u got some huge coloring sheet or something for the cartoons...

Transformers! Optimus Prime...yeah..Air Wolf, Knight Rider, Manimals, Mighty Mouse, hehehe...used to love this doggie show too...can't remember, about a very smart dog who heps people solve problems or something...and then there was this ape show ...song goes like...'going bananas, going bananas, .." keke
my favourite was Billy the Blue Ranger , too bad my parents gave away my one and only Blue Ranger action figure to god know's where... :smt088
yeah...he was the coolest cowboy. i remember that i had his figurine. till the arm came off.

speed of the puma, strength of the bear..and erm..one more..i forgot.heh.
GrimBrody said:
djtommy said:
Marshal Bravestarr anyone?found his way to fame in 1987.

yeah...he was the coolest cowboy. i remember that i had his figurine. till the arm came off.

speed of the puma, strength of the bear..and erm..one more..i forgot.heh.

heh i had his chariot
i love power rangers,transformers,ninja turtles[esp SHREDDER!],spiderman,batman and u guy's rem?...there's another toon with 2 cats flying an F-14...one fat one thin...man i was a freak man ahah