Ideal Studio Conditions


New member
Hey Softies,
I was just wondering. What would you guys consider an ideal studio?
Factor in location, price, opening hours, gear and all those stuff.
And where's the best place for jamming in Singapore?
to me...

studio don't have to be big

just about the equiments

seriously..i haven't seen a studio which have a good drumset which allow the drummer to do some serious drum pattern

and also...bass amp+guitars amp..with a keys..


that's all im
for jamming i think tiet is pretty good?
and probably Fourtones.

but prices for jamming has really gone up alot eh.
from like 8$ to an hour to like 18$ an hour at some places.
amps that are well-maintained.

mics that dont shock the vox's mouth.

drumkit that doesnt sound like a funeral percussion*no offence*

jamming hour that doesnt include setting the guitar and pedals and such but at a flat rate of $12-$14.
absolutely agree with dime time,my friend's lip accidentally was shock by the mics and he was like wtf!? shocked..that was a funny scene back then:D
i always get that.. ..static. maybe im not meant to sing.. bleah.

nvm backup oni.. :)

- good, well maintained drumset...
- amps that dont die off while jamming...
ahha me neither. i kinda like Lcube kind. cozy with a sofa. hahah. well people's opinion varies.

locationlocationlocation: accesibility, alot of buses/mrt pass, no need walk far. near main road. if oh high floor in buildings make sure have lifts/escalator.

price: reasonable, doesnt have to be cheap. suited to other factors

opening hours: hmm...i bet nobody wants to jam at 7am? 10am to 12pm maybe. last booking at 11pm? only suggestions. see ur business how.

gear: if u charge low, people will understand.... u get what i mean. of course who wants some cheapo amps in any studios. just make sure the equipments are in good condition everytime.

OH YEAH MICS THAT DONT SHOCK! always get that in this jamming studio somewhere in the north.
comfort: haha my opinion. i like those with sofas.

ambience: just make the place nice la. clean, smell good, no chipped paint here and there.
I feel size is very very VERY important..
This factors in to sound acoustics.. Too many studios with quality equipment, but comes off as PURE noise due to the nature of the room, and the placement of the amps/drums..
No use being in a studio which only sounds good from the outside, but is hell on the inside..
This is of course based on the assumption that the band is good, and know how to maintain their volume levels to complement one another..
Prices don't matter only IF you got acceptable equipment..
There was once a small cafe that tried to attract jammers at the price of 18 per hour, using 10 watt amplifiers.. The cafe closed within a month..
Decent location
decent price
decent equipment.
Tiet's 8 dollar room is REALLY small. Would probably only work if you were in a 3 piece band with 1 pedal plugged in.
For my band, space is gonna be an issue... We're not fat. The gear are.
preferably there is no ahpek telling you to get out of the room halfway through your last song

other than that, good amps, drumset and PA with no feedback problem
All of the above. guess what i want to said you guys said it all.
you get what you pay for. you pay more, decent drumkit and amps and spacious, pay lesser, get a crampy room, that after jamming, you'll get a certain headache.
anything less than 20 would be fine.Most importantly equipments must sound good.Atmosphere must be cosy. Nice scent. Thats all.
where can eat, drink, smoke, talk rox and watch TV / vids / surf net etc ..

Dan Enterprise - our homeground / social club

errr...the instruments kinda "ok ok only - nothing fantastic" but the other benefits are okk by us