ibanez RG8

unsane said:
and imagine the amount of meshuggah clone bands that would pop up..

Oh yeah.. with a 7 stringer you already feel like jsut chugging the living daylights out of it... and thats it.

Its getting irritating though.. the lo B is SO SENSITIVE to pressure. You (or I) have to ensure I'm fretting directly down, not bending the B in any direction, and I cannot hold it too hard or it will WILL WILL go out of tune. #$$#$^%^
unsane said:
and imagine the amount of meshuggah clone bands that would pop up..

i wouldn't want to imagine a new band pop up that take music to a next level like meshuggah do...it will be carbon copy and soon it will be common and boring...just like NU-metal band......Korn which some critics claim to be introducing 7 string to mainstream level and soon ppl start talking abt 7 string.....8O
If I haven't mistaken Rusty Cooley has got himself an Ibanez 8 as well.

But well, we live in a stereotyped world.
7 strings is associated with Korn,
EMGs with metal, and the list goes on.

a production 8 string would pretty much be commercial suicide

Unfortunately that's the case.
And i doubt the day extended range guitars become widely accepted will ever come.
Goncalo Pereira owns... :oops:


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