Ibanez Pups

Duncan Designed is aimed at replicating the original Duncan tone but they differ in sharpness & responsiveness (eg: harmonics), that's how i feel after trying many along the way. you cannot purchase Duncan Designed pickups here- not available as off the shelf offering...
nope, active and passive are totally different things altogether.

just think of duncan designed as one particular model in the duncan range, but a mediocore model as such. but if you like the tone, theres no stopping you. But theres a reason why they are found only on the lower end guitars.

This is unlike dimarzio and the dimarzio-ibz pickups, where dimarzio designed that particular model to be fitted on fairly high end ibanez models
I think u just get a good pup and dun care too much. Its not like u get an evolution u'll get Vai's sound, or u get Fred den u get Joe sat sound. The pup makes very little contribution to the overall sounding. U dun have their racks, their effects, their amps... U cannot follow their sound la. I think u just have to find ur own tone and be happy.

Anyway i'm not happy with mine at all. haha
Yup yup

yea i agree w u.. i wan something that sounds me which is very hard to find, so i hafta depend on the kinda sound i hear frm those artistes to derive the pups i need u c.
Its very simple, just go for popular pups combi like paf-pros, evos, fred, jazz/jb.... They'll sound much better than ur stocks. den work on ur sound from there.
Re: :)

neuro182 said:
oic.. kewl.. maybe its gonna be a fun journey discovering them.

LoL it can serve to be stressful and irritating at times. I'm most often suffering from that.
well e onli suff'ring for me is the pocket bec diff pups combine w diff guit body material & diff amp can cause minor/major diversity. i mean wat sounds good on a guit & a certain amp, may not sound as well as its on another guit w/without the same amp.

okie its getting confusing over here, but well i jus gotta keep trying.

i combined EMGs w my old EX agathis body & it sounded not bad, but not as good as it'd on a mahogany body (amp not yet included in the pic yet).
I don't think the tone wizard helps me one bit. The general idea is there, but i'd rather test it out first hand to see if i like it or not.

hmm.. so far e recommendations look good but i hafta try it out b4 i noe if its suitable for me :)

thanks anyway.
paisey guys but what's hum-sing-hum or hum-hum-sing or hum-sing-sing all about ? i only know it's HSH or HHS or HSS ?? thanks
Re: Rite

OOH !!! Humbucker-Single-Humbucker (double-single-double) ? rite ??? :lol:

stupid me :oops: ... thanks gerald !
haha ... i saw that in SDtonewizard website ... and was thinking, what's Hum-Sing-Hum or HSH or HHS ?? kekekeke ... then it struck me as i was replying ... :p