Ibanez Gibraltar Standard Bridge


New member
Hi everyone!

Need help. Anyone knows if any guitar shop in sg sells the ibanez gibraltar standard bridge? I'm looking to get one.

Any help rendered will be much appreciated.

Good afternoon :-)

What's wrong with the bridge? FYI The Gibraltar Standard had been superseded by the Gibraltar Standard II.
Hi! Thank you for the reply. The bridge screws, saddles and springs has rusted.

Does that mean the only option is to get the Standard II bridge? If it is a yes, will it be a drop in replacement?

Forgive me for the noob questions.

you could go to swee lee service center to order the parts as I have done so in the past for my Ibanez trem units. Alternatively, you could try and order on ebay if the stuff you are looking for is on sale. For ordering the parts at swee lee you will have to go to the Ibanez parts catalog on their website to find the part number.