ibanez 8 string???????????


New member
take look at this



Compaired to regular RG-7 you can see the upperhorn swoop to be a little less deep/wide than normal RG swoop.....

But the neck.....and this is what's bugging me. The neck looks almost like regular RG-7 neck.
Seem the string spacing is more compact......

Not even asking where he might have gotten that top-nut and trem, cause bet they are custom jobs.But cool guitar from a good tech metal guitarist.
Subversion,u are an ibanez fanatic....any comments dude?my question is what pickup do they use.....but i noe thordendal has use lundgren pickup for his rg7....
Check jemsite. This was discussed some time back...

its a one off custom job by Ibanez for them... you want one? Get endorsed by Ibanez. ;)

OH! Btw, the string spacing looks like normal floyd rose spacing. It prob looks narrower because the bass strings are vibrating... the lower strings all look like they are F-spaced.
ahakz....endorsed by ibanez?that will be a dream bro.......
i still think that our very own subversion is being endorsed by ibanez :wink:

but i tink the neck look the same as normal rg7 guitar.....not as wide as nevborn 8 string neck guitar that they normally used

I got a video of this guy using a Ibanez 8-string guitar to shred some kewl sh*tz!! But his doesnt look anywhere similar to the Messhuggah's one...
hmmmm....thats funny.....cause i thought 8 string were design for thordendal and hagstrom......who was tat guy?
Not very sure

I'm not sure about it, but its in a video sent to me by my fren. You can add me in msn, I'll send it to u & maybe u can tell me who he is.
since hes neuro isnt referring to meshuggahs guitarists my first guess is the video he has is rusty cooley shredding on hes 8 string conklin.

Haha I mentioned in most of my posts, I v mountain tortoise one. I go Yahoo search also dunnoe search for wat, everytime cant seem to get anything good outta it :)

Thanks for the webby :) Totally appreciated. Anymore to intro me?
rusty is king. esp since he can shred on a friggin fanned fret guitar. causes some sort of illusion. ahaha. 8 string sounds over kill tho. but wouldnt mind having one if it was free. :D
rusty is king. esp since he can shred on a friggin fanned fret guitar. causes some sort of illusion. ahaha. 8 string sounds over kill tho. but wouldnt mind having one if it was free. :D
i've juzz downloaded one of his vid.
was juzz wondering, how come his frets are slanted?
must it be that way for an 8 stringed guitar?

My fren thought he shreds good, but no melodies while shredding (as in he jus follow e fingerings of e scale + some techniques).