"I will not mention Amanda Ling's name."


New member
Rampage On The Airwaves presents...

The History of Local Music Part 3!

we're back with the biggest indie bands in Singapore. more great music and gossips from Wayne Thunder and Leonard Soosay!

right-click, save as HERE to download.

visit our website HERE or our myspace HERE!

thanks for listening, come back for more next week as we bring you the series finale, part 4 of The History of Local Music. till then, see ya!

Rampage On The Airwaves

put them all up once the fourth is done! HAHAHA! easier access for people who never had the chance to listen to the earlier recordings...
edder said:
i just realised that the team is all under 20.

omgwtfbbq. well done guys... well done.

There's a future for us all!!!

Finally, youngsters doing something about the music they love and support, instead of pushing the job to others and bitching about how we can improve things on an Internet forum!!!
madmonkeykungfu said:
Is this history of local music or history of Leonard Soosay????

Where are works from TNT? Myx?

Please Advise

ah they done a good job already, all in due time as they progress bro/.
thats not very nice phanto....

the crew should take madmonkeykungfu's suggestion from here and go further at the same time broaden their knowledge on sg scene.

the way i look at it, they may have easier access to Leonard Soosay which is why he is featured.

no need to take things personally. its all good man.
i listened to it a second time...

now then i realised!

"I will not say Amanda Ling's name"