I nid Pedals!! behringer TO100/OD100?? boss ds1/metalzone??


New member


anybody tried these b4? how izzit?

basically i wanna get a pedal that works on batt so i can bring along for jamming, instead of bring my x v-amp and that bloody adaptor.. i play mainly punk and emo with my band, wack power chords/riffs/and the occational solos.. so anything u guys recommend? thx..

boss ds-1? metalzone? :twisted:
What kind of tone do you desire? A warm overdrive sound, balls-out full distortion, or something else?

I'm a fan of overdrive, I recommend the Ibanez TS7 Tubescreamer which is surprisingly value for money, if you like the tones of old-school Tubescreamer users, you can also get it modded to TS808 specs for about 50 dollars.
haa actually i kinda like the sound from my behringer x v-amp.. tt's y i'm kinda interested in the behringer pedals..
The beringher new series of pedals are basically boss pedals housed in piece of shit casings. Go and pick up one and try it a bit. The plastic will break in no time and the knobs feel like ass.

They reverse engineered the boss pedals and did this so they can sell at half the price (sneaky!).

If you just wanna try out the pedals, or if you gonna keep the pedals out of the way most of the time and control them with a looping device or a midi controller then they are ok.

As for which pedal to buy, you really have to go try them out. They all sound very different.

Boss MT2 sounds very harsh to my ears but then i'm a blues and classic rock player.
Ibanez tubescreamers are cool especially the 808 ones but they are more for warm and creamy sounds, not aggressive ones.
The Pro Co Rat and its relatives might be what you're looking for. Quite an aggressive pedal but not over the top.
DS-1 has a very smooth and warm distortion, very good for solos. But I feel it doesn't do well for crunchy chords.

Like I said, go try out lor. Where did you buy the x v-amp? Luther? If you go Luther he'll let you try out pedals all day and never give you any sulky face or chase you out one. Can also talk to him or his people and ask them for reccomendations. They'll help you find the sound you want even if it means reccomending you to go to other stores to buy.
yeah luther.. back when they were at ginza.. took me more than an hour to get there.. change mrt and change bus.. haha..

ok thx for the head up on the casing.. had no idea.. :)
Luther is now at city hall with lots of other shops. Very accessible. Davis is there, I remember him having the Pro Co Rat. He's got a few others I haven't tried either.

Guitar77 is also there, and he has the Visual Sound Jerkyll and Hyde which is a versatile 2 in 1 pedal. It houses both a distortion and an overdrive. They'll gladly let you try it out too, very nice people.

One more place i'd reccommend is MrMisse's house at Clementi (he operates from home). Go to www.mrmisse.com and call or email him to arrange. He'll provide you top class service. Air-con room, one-to-one service, green tea packet drinks and an eye-popping amount of boutique pedals (for most of us anyway). Very friendly guy. If you go there I suggest you try out the Mr. Ed, the Death Rattle, the Hot Cakes, the Banzai Fireball. Not cheap pedals, but bloody FFing KICK ASS!


Battery Clip Converter

so with this i dun nid to bring my 9v adaptor along? i can replace it with a batt??
luther recommended me the OD pedal and i tried it...

sounds exactly the same as a boss OS pedal to me... not as heavy but hey... all u need is the sound right? ain't gonna put ur whole 100kg body weight on the pedal when u wanna switch right?

so whats with this plastic breaking and all? gonna kick ur pedal off starge during gigs? if its sounds right, suits ur wallet right, get it... it does not feel suseptable to damage under normal usage...
luther recommended me the OD pedal and i tried it...

sounds exactly the same as a boss OS pedal to me... not as heavy but hey... all u need is the sound right? ain't gonna put ur whole 100kg body weight on the pedal when u wanna switch right?

so whats with this plastic breaking and all? gonna kick ur pedal off starge during gigs? if its sounds right, suits ur wallet right, get it... it does not feel suseptable to damage under normal usage...

Boss pedals have been lasting 10-20 years. I VERY MUCH doubt the plastic beringers can last that long. Like I said, it depends on what you need. If you just buying a pedal to play around with at home or experiment, they will probably be the thing to buy. If you wanna bring it around for serious gigging or wanna hang on to it and maybe resell it 10 years down the road be prepared to be surprised.

buy the metalzone.. its worth it.. worth for money..

how much izzit after discount at swee lee?? or are there any cheaper source?

Metal zone can usually be found 2nd hand for about $80. Check out the classifieds here or on luther's page. Or post and ask for them.

Battery Clip Converter

The battery clip convertor i think is for pedals that don't have a dc input. What you do is you connect your 1-spot to this convertor, then you connect the battery clip side onto your pedal's battery clip. So the 1-Spot powers the pedal via the battery jack instead of the dc jack. It doesn't work the other way around. You can probably buy something like that from some diy shops or make one on your own though. Just need to connect the battery clips to a dc in jack.
Metal zone can usually be found 2nd hand for about $80. Check out the classifieds here or on luther's page. Or post and ask for them.
i know where to get cheaper.. but i wanna noe wad's the retail price like?

no now the thing is my x v-amp doesn't have a batt compartment.. it runs solely using the ac adaptor.. i wanna noe if i can use smt like the batt clip and power it to run my x v-amp instead of using the ac adaptor..
IMO, dun get metalzone. Lots of gain, nice looks, is a BOSS bla bla, but to me its too thin sounding. I've seen quite a few ppl use metalzone live, and they dont have good tone. I'd recommend the Ibanez smashbox, go try it out at sweelee, its cheaper too. If you have more $$$, can consider the GT-2 too :)
The Sansamp GT2? Yeah that one's not bad. The Tri-Ac too.

I also agree on the MT-2. Very dry, cold and thin. But then some metal players like that so I dunno.
GuitarNoob said:
IMO, dun get metalzone. Lots of gain, nice looks, is a BOSS bla bla, but to me its too thin sounding. I've seen quite a few ppl use metalzone live, and they dont have good tone. I'd recommend the Ibanez smashbox, go try it out at sweelee, its cheaper too. If you have more $$$, can consider the GT-2 too :)

Dude ...
i agree, the STOCK MT2 SUCKS ~!

But you gotta try the Randolf modded one ~!
IMO. it can get such a variety of distortion levels and with all the eq settings ~!

Can get drives from a BD2 to heavy distortion with POWERFUL mids BOOST .. and with a Seeing-Eye ... it works like a tube pre-amp ~!
I can even get STACK sounds out of my MT2 on my humble Fender bullet reverb, kinda like HEAVY distortion played thru VERY VERY OVERDRIVEN TUBE AMPS ~@!

Buy the MT2 2ndhand and send for a mod ~!
Seriously ... you wont regret it ..~!
ok ...
i think i wasnt totally fair in my last post abt the GT2.

The GT2 is a very good pedal also ...
but ... maybe it was becoz of all the hype created,
when i finally got to test the pedal ...
it just wasnt as great as i expected it to be.

It's a good drive pedal and has wonderful amp simulations.
Also can be used as a DI .

The GT2 is a nice pedal ...
Just that i prefer my modded MT2 more ...
Guess it's subjective ..

But ... when you compare the eq options on the GT2 with the MT2 ...
World of difference:
GT2 - Level, High, Low, Drive
Mt2 (Randolf modded) - Level, High, Low, Mids, Mids Frequency, Drive

The mt2 lacks in amp modulations and DI,
But the tones and variety of overdrive to distortion .. WOW ~!

Also .. i've come to know that Randolf has added switches to give even more control and variety ~!

Seriously ... if you're considering the GT2,
drop by Randolf's and try out the modded MT2 1st before making ur final choice. :)