I need some help in deciding what electric guitar to buy..

it's no 'downtuning hell' if it's the ZR vibrato- it has an in-built trem-setter so the vibrato remains at the default level if the strings are less than the standard tension.

with the 2003 revision, for the RG series, note that the RG470 is Jap. anything above then you enter the Prestige range.

the RG1550 is sub-$1K...

the production JEMs & JS sport the Edge Pro vibrato but in person, Vai & Satch still prefer the discontinued Lo-Pro Edge/ Edge.
PinkSpId3r said:
no..i emailed them :)

Ah ok haha..

subversion said:
the production JEMs & JS sport the Edge Pro vibrato but in person, Vai & Satch still prefer the discontinued Lo-Pro Edge/ Edge.
Wa. That's interesting.. But do they still use the edge pro?

Again, thanks for all of the help guys.. It has been very informative. :D If not for you guys I will still be lost somewhere. I think I will target the RGx550/x570 series guitars, unless they are really expensive, then I will probably get the RG470.
Hey guys... I called up swee lee today, and they told me that the RG1550 is selling at 1000 and the 2550 is selling at 1350.. Are the better pickups worth the extra 350? I like the colour of the 1550 more tho.
'better' is subjective here. i try both models & disliked both the V/ Dimarzio- IBN units, i eventually bought the 1550 & have Seymour Duncans in it- happier than ever...

if you think the Dimarzio-IBN are 100% Dimarzios- not quite. these are Ibanez brand pickups wound by Dimarzio. in any case, you try both & decide accordingly... you might like what you hear.

the price diff is not attributable to pickup diff only:
*the finish- models with the 'EX' suffix has a matte + slight glitter finish

i personally chose the 1550 because i prefer a maple fretboard. also, do consider the RG450- same vibrato, also comes with hard case but neck isn't a Prestige (slightly fatter WizardII profile + shark tooth inlay).
Ah.. Ok I get it. Thanks again!

By the way, you mean you bought a 1550 and swapped the pickups or did you buy a 2nd hand one with the pickups already swapped?

And about the 450 coming with a hard case, what case does the 1550 come with? Sorry about asking so much questions, want to make a good decision that's why haha..
is there any diff btwn the RG450GX and RG450LTD? and btwn the RG470..which model is better? hee i also wanna noe more abt it
the 1550 i bought has default V series pickups, i replaced them subsequently with Seymour Duncans...

the 1550 & 450 comes with identical hard cases- the M100C (the one on the left). worth it yes?

between the 450LTD & 450GC- the diff is that the LTD sports:
*shark tooth inlay
*reflective pickguard

the GC on the other hand has gold hardware (hence the G in 'GC') & a JEM-like pearloid pickguard. performance-wise, they are on par with each other. FYI, the sharktooh inlay has gained a cult-like following among Ibanez enthusiasts. many were enraged when the S-series did away with it...

Now listening to: DISSECTION- Maha Kali
subversion said:
FYI, the sharktooh inlay has gained a cult-like following among Ibanez enthusiasts. many were enraged when the S-series did away with it...
Haha I never liked the shark tooth inlays, I specifically look at guitars without them lol

Yup the case looks worth it, looks crash proof haha.. Do you have any article that illustrates the difference between the wood used on fingerboards? I personally like ebony fingerboards because it looks very nice (to me) and it was very nice to play on my friend's carvin. Then again it might be because it's a carvin. So far I've spotted the ebony fingerboard on the RG2550EXVBB, but I don't really like the colour combi :?

I'm a very troublesome buyer right :D
sub..u mention the rg-470 is make in japan too right...so the diff in price between 2570EX and 470 is mainly bcoz of what thing e? the pus?
hey sub...i finally got my pgm300 at 2.3k..a little pricey but it plays like a dream..the clean tones are great..a little strat like and the 'buckers are hot too..just one question..i haven't heard of a Dimarzio pickup called Jem Single before..not even on the website..so what's the deal about it being on the mid position on my guitar?
the regular RG470/ 450 offerings differ from the Prestige range by the neck. the Prestige series have exclusive neck treatment (6-steps of extra, meticulous treatment, so claimed the manufacturer). they feel different if you have ever tried both guitars side by side. the current Prestige neck also features a reinforcement neck volute (that little bump under the neck's nut) & parallel grain joints- all these in the name of a stronger neck, so i was told...

hey JEM007: congrats on that PGM purchase! the JEM single isn't a Dimarzio official, it's taken off the JEM guitar of course, Gilbert simply loves the vibe of that pickup, he stopped searching for other single coils for his PGM10 anniversary model, where the pickup fisrt debuted. i heard it in action during Gilbert's clinic here & it's a very, very convincing one.

wow!! is that 10th anniversary yours?? it looks absolutely great...how's it play? i just love the neck on my pgm and the maple fretboard haha...
nope, not mine. a friend of mine bought it, i was its care-taker while he was overseas. it's a well-playing guitar with lots of Paul Gilbert appointments. the Tone Zones in there are superb mainly because the guitar has a light mahagony body (i had a bitter experience with the tone zone before...). i'm not too keen on a signature model, but this one's very good to say the least.

hey, i'm with maple fretboards too these days... :wink:
yeah..this is actually my first real maple fretboard guitar...and well you just gotta love it haha..i've witnessed a dramatic change in my tone with pretty much the same amp..
maybe you've hit the right note with your setup after all... it's pretty much the same thing with me, i've settled down with one amp only, it's the guitars & pickups that keep coming in 8O
whoa..."keep coming in" huh? so what guitars do you own...saw your other post and you got quite a few ibanez's don't you...

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