I got my first bass!


New member

got a SX jazz bass copy at Davis with an SX 15w amp for $250 in 3-tone sunburst, looking pretty :D

i have one problem though - the strings keep buzzing. is it because my technique is lacking or is it due to the action?

also, my bridge pickup has a little feedback when i turn it up, i have to play with the bridge pup on 0 and neck pup on full.

hope i didn't get a lemon though, the bass looks real sweet.. :?
post pics of it in the bass picture gallery dude :D we're waiting..... :lol:
Afrodisiak said:
i have one problem though - the strings keep buzzing. is it because my technique is lacking or is it due to the action?/quote]

try pressing down at the strings JUST before the fret, to get a fuller sound. and of course use some strength at it. if you can, bring your bass down for a setup, to get a lower action for ease of play.

SXs are great deals for beginner instruments! :D