I cover my Guitar with Denim

thanks to all..phew..just came back from school...

it doesnt affect the tone,,as what have dime said its not part of the wood..:p
seriously man. i'm falling in love with that guitar everytime i look at it. damn. when are you sending it to gibson?
Now I really Want that...
Can't stop thinking about one covered in tight leather...harrrrrrrrrrrr.....
yeah tight leather! haha or silk covered LP

dude great job

my only grouse with it is that well... its kind of weird thinking that denim, once had your legs in them. Might be hairehh. or sweatehhh.

haha. kidding.

i think if u can make it interchangable, or say like ermmmmm that stretchy strechy cloth (i forgot the name) it will be damn kewl (i'll order one from you) or a silk one, like a red silk one. would feel damn comfy and can use as pillow (if u decide to add padding) if u play those soothing tunes and somehow fell asleep (i do that with my mockingbird and sometimes poke myself with the sharp end)

i dunno why u'd send to gibson though, unless u want to get 'famous' the fast way... i think since u are in singapore send it to like maestro or smth. or make it a SOFT product haha
hahaha..dunno,well i actually made one,,so why not send it to a big company,,and also my guitar is a LP copy...well what the heck...:mrgreen:

i was toying around with the idea of denim on my guitar abt 2 years ago, i was like a denim freak, denim shoes, denim jeans, denim jacket, denim strap, i just wanted everything denim

i juz gave up when i thought it took too much time (and denim), anw really awesome, and i am absolutely sure that nobody else has denim on a guitar...i can remember looking through many many many guitar sites looking for a denim guitar, closest was dean with a denim finish option (rubbed blue into a flame maple top)...........really COOL!!!

bro, v nice job. how did you get the denim to uh, not cover the control cavity plates etc. the guitar looks pretty cool especially with the stencil.

maybe u can sew a pocket for holding picks? haha. just a thought.
zippers would be good.
i really like it! i'd cover it with badges in a corner, maybe sew something on, and do some light ripping
Well done.. ur effort has paid off with a new look on the guitar..

i wonder if u do have pockets so that can keep the picks inside.. xD

once again.. cool guitar..