I cant stop laughing, Memoirs of a Geisha, mad tv

seen the spoof on tv
was quite hilarious

I read that memoirs of geisha (especially the movie) had many errors. Like how they mixed the kimonos of prostitutes with the ones of geishas or something (position of the ribbon). I think Japan and China are boycotting it (for different reasons though)

In other words its just another whiteman's asian fetish.
I don't get it.
Are geishas the higher class of prostituition who can dance and play music?

They end up having to sleep with some "higher bidder".
(in the movie.)
sycododo said:
I don't get it.
Are geishas the higher class of prostituition who can dance and play music?

They end up having to sleep with some "higher bidder".
(in the movie.)

not very sure about this, but the average Japanese will deny that Geishas = prostitutes because they are supposingly keepers of traditional entertainment art.

taken from Wikipedia:

Strictly speaking, geisha are not prostitutes. Because they entertain men behind closed doors in an exclusive manner, there has been much speculation about the underpinnings of their profession. The confusion that surrounds this issue has been complicated by Japanese prostitutes who wish to co-opt the prestige of the geisha image, and by inaccurate depictions of geisha in Western popular culture. Although an individual geisha may choose to engage in sexual relations with one of her patrons outside of the context of her role as geisha, traditional and codified geisha engagements will never involve sexual activity.
From what I interprete, they are just social escorts who are skilled in the fine art of traditional Japanese dance and music.
yep. wikipedia's definition is correct. the 'gei' in geisha means artisan. Prostitutes don't need to learn how to dance and play musical instruments, or know tea ceremony and ikebana, traditional Japanese arts. Geisha spent their lives traditionally training in these arts and successful geisha were also skilled in such arts. I think the film is boycotted because the director took a lotta liberties with the geisha world. The obis (ribbons) were correct though. Prostitutes tie theirs in the front, geishas at the back. Convenience' sake. Japanese boycott because of errors, and because Chinese women played Japanese characters in bad accents. Chinese boycott because Chinese women played Japanese characters, anti-Japan sentiments resurfacing. And I think a lot of Chinese women don't like Zhang Ziyi. Lol.
OMG i met Bobby Lee!


No kidding guys!

I met Bobby Lee ( the guy who was the male geisha in that Mad TV clip in YouTube )
at Pasadena, California!

I was walking towards a cool noodle place called Boba World, and he was walking towards me. I opened the door for Bobby Lee! HAHAHA!
He was really friendly.

He's short. And he's got a blonde ang mo girlfriend.