I am just TOTALLY PISSED OFF with service in Singapore


New member
in particular CITY MUSIC...

there are shops like Sweelee and Davis who have taken feedback here and improved their customer service very very well and won back my loyalty as a customer....

This day started beautifully ... checked out some pedals at Mr.Misse's place...(he is just the best)....

then my friend goes down to city music to buy summin...I ask him to enquire about the Toneport UX1 for which I had placed an order with them 3 weeks back....

It was supposed to arrive in the first few weeks of September,and I was second on the list....so apparently they would 'call me'

They tell my friend oh stock came in again and the last piece got sold out today morning


then ofcourse we made them take out the register and showed that I was on the waiting list....

Now that they were stuck in the mud...they conveniently claim that stock never came in at all....their employee was 'mistaken'....and that stock would come in again in two months....

great to know that apart from the crappiest customer service in Singapore,their employees also suffer from daytime hallucinations about selling imaginary equipment to imaginary customer.....City Music can go tell their lies to someone else....

and to think I turned down an offer to buy the goddamn device second hand...I AM JUST FURIOUS...

Sweelee Davis off my list...City Music now the reigning champ for #1 sucky service.

I guess Ive ranted before but it was either this or breaking a fairly inexpensive beer mug. :?
they should have just admitted to their mistake. i mean, i would not have been pissed if they apologised and explained to me nicely. anyway chill out man.
EXACTLY...I mean if they admitted their mistake and told me their had been an oversight and they would try and remedy it somehow...its a different story...but these guys dont give a flying rats ass about their customers....I cant record now for 2 months(or so they say) :evil:
I think the bad service in singapore is a sign to shop elsewhere (online).

I'll miss the cheap guitar hardware when im back in australia though :(
I've never had any probs with M123....think the problem was with someone buying a guitar from them and it not living up to expectations, but you never buy guitars sight unseen (or I wouldnt anyway)

The toneport is $129US from them so I'm not sure how that compares to the citymusic price when you incluse the freight charges....
Tip #1: Never expect guitar shops to call you back, unless your guitar or product is with them for fixing, which they might call you back, i'm not too sure because i haven't sent anything for repairs.
detriot my friend: when they have your guitar...thats when they ESPECIALLY wont call you back... :?

why is it that every international shop offers such great customer service....and Singapore whose economy seems to be dependant on 'service' sucks so bad
bluepowder said:
129 should be around there i guess...its 200 at city music..hmm :lol:

Shipping for Toneport should be ~$US40 to 50 or more if using Fedex/UPS.
(that's how much the shipping for my soundcard costs).

If you use Vpost it might be cheaper but not to a very great extent. Probably about S$30 to 50. Don't forget, Vpost is S l ooo w.
singapore doesnt have a very big market in terms of people playing music..not to mention guitars..

even out of the 4million(i tink so urh..i dunno sgp's population) if 1 million people plays guitar..

compare it with countries with even larger population..

i noe im kinda digressing..but at times i gripe when i read guitar magazines and see the wide variety of stuff the have in places like america..

wait..wads my point. 8O
kid_slacker said:
singapore doesnt have a very big market in terms of people playing music..not to mention guitars..

even out of the 4million(i tink so urh..i dunno sgp's population) if 1 million people plays guitar..

thats a big market dude,1 million out of 4 million,means out of 4 person that you met,1 of them play guitar...
but how many of them are into this gear queer thingy...i guess not much yeah...some are happy enough with 1 accoustic
yea it might be a large count of ppl.

but my point is..compared to places like america..there..u'll see the vast diff..

now tts my point. :D
how in gods name does that justify bad service??

besides how many ppl playing doesnt matter..its still a target market....the cost and profit ur looking at is still evened out...
bluepowder..cos u mentioned about ordering online..den i remembered how some models of wadeva guitars or bass arent available in singapore..

yea..but then again..sorry to hijack ur thread! :lol:

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