Humbucker mod


New member
Recently, i took apart the neck pickup on my orville. The stock pickup sounded
very harsh and so (based on info on the net), i replaced the magnet with a weaker one (A2) to reduce the output, unwound one of the coils slightly (to give uneven resistance on both coils)... and voila, the tone did improve. The harsh bite was gone though i ended up with more treble and lost a bit of warmth on the tone.

I'm interested to find out if theres anyone out there that has done some mod or even wind their own pickups? I'm really interested to learn more. If you have done some winding of pickups or mod, please share your results / exp with me!
there is a popular mod for the seymour duncan invader which brightens the pickup more...

cant remember wat it was though
does your neck pickup come with a chrome cover? If not, you can try purchasing a chrome cover (not plastic) and have it soldered onto the pickup. You will have to re-pot the pup to prevent microphonic feedback but... you get a warmer sound and slightly less power.

Simple to do, but the potting is the hard thing. Can always install first, try then pot or not.