is up!


New member
Hey guys! I've just set up a website/blog thing for bass stuff :) It's new and there's not much up there at the moment apart from information about the Nordstrand stuff that I bring in, but I'm working on some new product lines/ideas. Hopefully it'll get somewhere in time... but in the meanwhile, do drop in to say hi :) Thanks!

- cherns
Hmm... I derived red dot music from then president suharto's comment about Singapore being a little red dot. I'm definintely not big enough for anyone to kick up a fuss about this name anyways :)

I guess one of the aims of the bass trading post is to make trades a little more accessible and "safer" for guys who aren't part of those informal trading circles ;)
You are right! It was Habibi who made that statement... :p

Oh well... does this bass trading post idea really stink? I thought it would have generated some kinda interest...

i guess there will be much attachment to your own gear and trading with money involved always sucks. will you trade a sadowsky for a fender, even with money?

also there are issues of trust as well.
Hmm... that's true. The ideal situation is to be able to trade mutually between 2 parties without any money involved, but as you rightly pointed out - there's a trust issue. And it's for that reason I thought that having a middleman and a deposit mechanism in place would be able to alleviate a bit of that trust needed in order for a trade to take place.

Anyways, guess i probably jumped the gun somewhere...
Hey Cherns Sui Pian (kidding).

Seriously, its great that someone steps foward to start something like this. Keep it up man. But if you want my honest opinion, this would only have worked 30 years ago in SG, and there wasnt internet back then la! My real point is, GASSERs would mostly trust friends if not themselves only, with their babies. If youre talking about higher-end basses, I'm sure these guys already know each other somewhat. and would deal privately if not so already and anyway. May I suggest you set up a GAS community of sorts? Arrange Gear Whore Meetings or something, see how it goes la? hehe.
Ya man, the bass gear whore's meeting would definitely be a big draw, hahahaha, the chance to see and try new gear, any self respecting bassist would make it a point to go! :lol: