How you go about promoting your band/music?


New member
Hi all,

I'm working on a feature story for a class, and am curious to find out how local bands/musicians promote themselves to the public and to record companies. Basically, I just want to find out what you do to raise your band's profile...

Would really appreciate any feedback or help you can give on this. Thanks so much!

Hwei Shan :)

P.S. You can e-mail me at too!
P.P.S. Check out the Small Fry Podcast while you're at it.
Turn up whereever we can, as a unit to make an "image" of what we look like as a collective. Try to gig asmuch as possible. Tell lots of people about our band... :?
make a demo recording that people will actually bother listening to. treat the recording as an investment. all too often, bands don't see it as an investment and record a cheap, low quality demo just for the sake of having a demo, and their friends end up listening to it out of obligation. if your friends only listen to your music out of obligation, what makes you think a stranger is gonna bother? so invest, and come out with a high quality demo that makes friends, strangers, and second cousins say "oh WOW i love this and i'm gonna tell everyone i know about it" when they hear it.

send it to gig organizers. obviously.

put it online so people can listen. the internet is one of the most powerful and efficient tools in getting your music out. make use of it. tell friends, family, and random people on the street about it.

getting gigs as an unknown band is a catch 22. organizers want bands they know are good. if they don't know you're good, it's hard to get gigs. but usually they only know you're good if you're already gigging. so new bands have it tough. this is another reason why a high quality demo is good. it lets organizers know what you sound like even if you've never played a single gig before.
The-Warlord said:
Turn up whereever we can, as a unit to make an "image" of what we look like as a collective. Try to gig asmuch as possible. Tell lots of people about our band... :?

hahaha that certainly works man, I keep seeing you guys standing around in your leather and chains and I wonder what your music is like
post in every single forum in the world advertising ur band website. make a friendster account for ur band. :P
Heh. As tempting as it sounds to be able to book the front page of the Straits Times, I really am looking to find out what you've done to promote your band / music, and not just what you would like to do.

E.g. sending your music to gig organisers: who, exactly? Any particular individual / group?

I don't know much about the people in the music scene here, so who are the people you need to talk to?

And as for the Internet, there're so many things that bands can do online to promote their music, like put up their music at sites like and all that. But how many bands actually make full use of these tools at their fingertips?

I dunno. Just some thoughts...
yea i think many of us wanna know who to send our demos to not just to gig organisers but which particular reocord or label company. maybe establish bands can guide us with this :lol:
Yeah, echoing what lalala said: who are the people to contact in the recording industry when bands want to promote their music? I mean, even Electrico and Ronin had to start somewhere... Anyone know how they achieved their success?
Lol. Start a myspace account and put up ur music there and add random people up so they'll listen to their songs then they come to your profile. haha.

yeah well, the people who've done it, please enlighten us. (the 'done it' sounds abit wrong but yeah)
Heh. Again, somewhat unlikely for a band that's starting out. I mean, with your limited resources and budget, how are you guys getting your music out there?

Interesting about the myspace account and adding people... Do you spread the word amongst your friends/colleagues/schoolmates/etc, to check out your music? Does it work?
yeah man . myspace is like one of the best ways if you wanna get your music out internationally . free and sweet .

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