how to warm up?


New member
hey people,just wanna know if u guys have a warm up routine.My fingers seemed to be damn stiff whenever i pick up my git to play.Its only till 45mins later that my fingers are warmed up and flexible, therefore i think its too time consuming warming up,so any recommendations on how to warm up ur fingers in the shortest time possible?
It's like taking your running test. Before you take the test, the warm up involves a 400m sprint. This gets the muscles heated up. So, same theory applies.

I practise chord changes and as mentioned about some scale lines and vibrato technique.

Also a good habit would be to physically stretch your fingers and arms so that your ligaments would not be so stiff.

You can do this.


Or.. get a squeezy ball and just clench and unclench.

I work up my finger muscles by crushing soft drink cans (after drinking the beverage of course) whenever I makan.
Make sure you wash your armpits before you attempt that. Otherwise, make sure no one's around you!

But seriously, do some SLOW chromatic exercises and then some finger stretching chords like add9s.

It's just like preparing for a marathon or a quick sprint.
this excercise gets my fingers abit jellylike but it warms me up real good after sometime...


this is the result of wanking around the cionian, or c major ionian in other words. i find that by screwing around with scales make great excercises for the fingers. this one really stretches my palm wide.

hope this helped!

cheers! ;)
warm up routines can be helpful ... but it's mundane ....

What i do is to play a tune or riff in slow tempo and slowly progress faster and faster ... melodic patterns helps also coz it explores every possible finger movements.

Another way ... I listen to music ... it just inspires. :)


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