How To Wah?


yea... how do i play with a wah? where shld i put it? is there any excercises tt cld help me learn how to wah? thanks in advance...
Just play a stunning Solo without the Wah and if the people around you say "Wah!" then there you have it, a nice WAH phrasing.
WAH!!! that was great advise....but i didnt learn alot....cos to wah the audience? u need to make ure guitar wah....and how do u squeeze Her wah out!?
step one to wahing the crowd...hit all yr notes correctly , know the song u are playing by heart.

ok hmm i remember seeing a book on the basics of wah at the shop next to guitar gallery.
baobaojon said:
yea... how do i play with a wah? where shld i put it? is there any excercises tt cld help me learn how to wah? thanks in advance...

as a simple rule of thumb, work with playing the wah on time with the drums first.

after that, work on what u feel is more appropriate, playing the wah off-time, playing the wah at different intervals with the drum, etc. Really depends on the song.
when i first hit off with the wah i cant control it either
my fingers and foot didnt work well together.
esp the foot, when to push it up and when to push it down, i think it really takes time, depending on the song and the feel as well.

it takes ur fingers, foot and sometimes the mouth to master the power of the wah pedal \m/
listen to George Harrsion song 'Wah Wah' from
the ALL THINGS MUST PASS album, sure you can
rock and WAH WAH !!! Wah Lau eh ah ?
bongman said:
listen to George Harrsion song 'Wah Wah' from
the ALL THINGS MUST PASS album, sure you can
rock and WAH WAH !!! Wah Lau eh ah ?

Wah Lao eh PEDAL!!!
Wahs usually go before distortion and modulation efx. So, it would be guitar --> EQs/Compressors --> Wah --> Dist/Overdrive --> Delays/Phasers/etc

But of course, there's no fixed rule to do it that way.

As for how to use the wah in playing, you might want to think of it as a voice simulator... like you singing out a solo. With practice, the wah will be an easy thing to use, so don't worry man...
i've never learnt hand-foot coordination on how to 'wow'..i tink its not much of it

try to express urself & sing out 'wow' when u want ur notes to 'wow'. remember that 'wow' means ur toe from up to down. hopefully in time to come, ur brain is programmed dat whenever u wana 'wow' ur foot will automatically do the job.
try the 'wow' expression. capture wat u wanna hear. thats y its also known as expression pedal. u need to xpress urself.
try to sing along the melody and harmony of ur guitar at all times when u play even when u r not wow-ing.

for me personally,
from guitar to
1st filter effects: phaser, wah....i put phaser 1st
3rd OD/Distortion,
4th Equaliser,
5th Pitch effects: harmoniser, vibrato,
6th modulation effects: flanger, chorus..usually flanger b4 chorus for me
7th sound level controllers: noise gate & volume pedal..noise gate b4 volume pedal
8th echoes: delay and reverbs..i put reverb after delay..
and then to amp
(taken from my bro's post)

i got reasons for the positioning.
and i agree with shredcow, there is no rite or wrong way of doing it.
thanks guys!!! are there any solos i should try? how bout slither!? slash.. lol...o and wad wah pedals do u recomend...a nice versatile wah abit to the but abit to the traditional one...
sweet child o mine.. actually wah.. just think of something groovy.. should be able to work ur foot on its own hurhur.. what i like to do when i use a wah and doing some fast runs across any scale down.. is controlling the wah according to the positions im at on the fretboard.. going fas going fast so its wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuauuuaauauuuaaauauuaahhhhh--> this part is where u finish the run with a shiok last note bend!!!!!!... FWAH JUST TYPING THIS making me feel like playing something with it..wuahahahwuahwuahwuahwuahwuahwuahwuahwuahwuahh..