HELP!!! i'm stuck here in this area and cant play those songs...any tips on what song i should learn to improve
I definetely agree with thor666 & visa
first, listen!...because playing music is an art of listening
we, musicians have to have a pair of good ear
anything we will play thru our fingers have to sound in our ear (head) first
second, practice & drills...
as visa has already mention above...
my sugestion is practise every basic skill over & over
(hammer-on, pull-offs, slide, alternate picking, sweep picking, vibrato, bending, etc...)
third, learn the music theory
at least we have to know basic theory -> scales (major/minor/diminished/dominant & blues of course!), chords (progression, substitutions)
the last is....listen again to your playing & your favorite players, try to mimic their playing & combine their style to build our own!
hope this might help & GOOD LUCK :-D
+1 to jazzcat