How To Stop, Or Control G.A.S.

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best way to stop, is to throw off yr computer, your guitar magazine, lock yourself in yr room 24/7, and not selling any guitars other than yours :lol:
very "helpful" comments from some of you... :?

I think thor has a good point, so, picking up only the good ideas:

#2: Maximise your existing gears.

i kinda agress with thor.. its sometimes refreshing to just plug your guitar straight to the amp and play.. using the onboard distortion.. tweak it to the settings u like and play..

it will teach u to control your playing dynamics and improve the nuances of your playing so that u will be come a beter player overall... therefore when u improve on your playing dynamics, u dont need a compressor!! so gas for one item is over...
Chanmin, heh... "helpful" comments eh? :D

RazrAsh, compressors have more than just... erm... compressing your dynamics. :wink: All studio work involves compression.

Aiyah, straight to amp? TB efx loh. 8)
buyy everything....

then when u see ur friend having a new pedal....kill him :twisted: and take it

when he has the same pedal in another colour...kill him :twisted: and take it

muahahahahahahaha.....kill everyone :twisted: oops sorry too much UT :roll:
Hey guys, relag lah, notice my thread title says: "How To Stop, Or Control G.A.S." I guess for most of all, stopping GAS is like stopping our passion for music.

But there are real-life examples, my friend started with:
1 peavey amp
1 DS-1
1 crybaby
1 Ibanez axe
These actually lasted him for almost 3 years, without changing anything, and he kept improving his playing along the way. Cool heh? 8)

We may go thru' a period of intense GASing, as long as we find the right combination of gears, and we're willing to settle down with that, we can then stop GASing for long period of time.

And i think some may experience this:
When the GASing stops, the learning (music) and improving (skills) begins... :wink:
I had a cheap Marshall MG30DFX and my Ibanez Saber with Breed humbuckers for a few years too... then I realised what the hell I was lacking. :wink: Hence the journey for gear and stuff.

Stopping GAS shouldn't be the end of music passion, true, but one should always be on the look out for improvements when the gear badly needs change.

You are right about finding the correct combination of gears = stop GASing. I no longer GAS for pickups, my Vipers do all I want it to do. I no longer GAS for overdrive pedals, Blackstone killing everything else. If I didn't GAS in the first place, I wouldn't have found them.

Eh, sqoobs, share your story of GAS and how you conquered it.
the comprseeion evens out the volume as well.. but if u can control it well, for a live setting dont really need.. but for studio work, yes, compression is a must...
Quick tip to stop or control GAS

for efx
1) get a small pedal board
2) use just 1 daisy chain (so ur max is now 5) to power ur effects
3) remember that effects like boss are not true bypass, so the more u put the worse ur basic sound gets, and with garbage basic tone u got very bad foundations to work on

for guitar
1) dun get 2 guitars of the same generic type (e.g. getting 3 strats)
well i cant comment much here cos i got 1 les paul custom, 1 p90 les paul, 1 strat, 1 yamaha pacifica and 1 ibanez rg haha but i damn well make sure i dun buy extra

man, you reminded me those good old suffering days... that's one GAS i never wanna go thru' again... don't know reservist still have/not. :(


I eventually stopped GASing after going thru' the cycle of "GASing till i found THE right one for me" for almost every component in my setup... :lol:

e.g. I jumped from BOSS DD-3 to Digitech Digidelay, then Line6 Echopark, and I stopped there. The Echopark is the right piece for me. 8) All I wanna do now is to grow my guitar voice with that Echopark. Of course, something better will beat the Echopark eventually. But as long as you are comfortable with what you like, why not stay with it?

IMO, the same effect may be achieved by many different ways by various gears. Afterall, our human ear has its limitations to frequency, clarity, and magnitude. If we're not too fuzzy about it, why chase after the best gear?

There are distinct signature sounds that are very popular and sought after. But these days, guitar/amp/effects/pickups modeling had made the whole matter grey. Main culprit used to be Line6, but every manufacturer is building on modeling technology now. :wink:
Hey sqoobs...
Glad to know you found the delay/echo pedal for yourself. :D Wait till line6 upgrades the echopark to version 2... hahaha... I think might be a sad day.

I'm currently on the hunt for a wah. Then. I promise I will stop. For a while a least. :wink: