hi =)
having difficulty with chord changing? theres really no other way but to practice harder. but still dont worry, cuz theres also a technique guitarists use called walking.
well, first of all, what kind of chords are you having trouble changing to? walking can be applied to any kind of chord change. lets take a G major chord for example.
and you wanna transit to a D major chord
so how do we go about changing G to D? its simple really. form the G chord on your fretboard and take a look at your ring finger fretting the 3rd fret 2nd string (B). now, just do a D chord and see wheres your ring finger at. heyy its still at the same position! with that in mind, form the G chord again, and when moving to D, DO NOT remove your ring finger from where its is. take your index finger and fret the 2nd fret 3rd string (D), and middle finger on the 2nd fret 1st string (high e). there ya go...walking. its alot more smoother in transition than lifting your fingers all at once to form another chord. the trick is all in your fingers and how you manipulate them around the fretboard.
what other stuff you need to learn? well....quite alot, but here are some basics you can learn first before touching more complex stuff.
finger fingerpicking (im not very good at it)
strumming/alternate strumming (very important)
barre chords
plucking/alternate picking
these are not all, theres still alot more stuff out there you need to learn to cover the basics. and when you're ready....go electric!!! :lol:
happy practicing and stay guitarded!