How to motivate my interest?


New member
Greeting all softies,

im sorry for opening so many thread,but is there anyways that i could keep my intrest up at guitars? well i personally got my influence by sakito in nightomea and i hope by playing guitar i can somehow be as good as him and to create nice solos for my band.hence im afraid of losing my intrest,i hope someone could give me some unlightenment :p
Listen to a lot of guitar-driven music and imagine yourself playing them.

But for some of us, we love our music so much that it alone inspires us to keep at our instruments and be the best for our music one day...
you gotta expand your video by various guitarist from various genre.

i personally am a metal guitarist and i watch videos from the great Dimebag Darrell to the likes of Gary Moore and SRV who are hard rock and blues player respectively.

so keep your view wide and watch out for under-rated guitarist like paul gilbert and eric johnson.cause they tend to play more unpredictable material.
I watch videos of other guitarist doing covers and always tell myself that I'll be able to play like this some day (I'm also a fan of Sakito :P)

Also I learn songs that I like. The satisfaction of playing something from a musician I adore keeps me motivated :) Take it as feeling as if you're one step closer to being like them. Self motivation is important, if you don't 'feel' it, then no matter what you do the interest will still fade.
Lol so sorry i meant enlightenment.
wow hmm a poster of sakito beside my bedroom huh? Lols
i'll see about that. man its always hard to keep my intrest coz i have not gotten my f-10 pack yet..T.T:confused:
hmm, maybe you could motivate yourself by watching inspirational guitar videos on youtube?

have a buddy who's better or the same standard as you, so you'll be able to spur each other on the improve your technique. a little bit of competition here would be fine, but don't get too competitve.

you could also aim to take part in a band competition, in this way you'll also have the incentive to practice more and harder.