how to make an evil pie.


New member
just sharing something out of the blue.


1kg Potatoes
500g Minced beef
300g White onions, diced
200g Carrot, diced
100g Portobello mushrooms, diced

Oil to preference
Black ground pepper to preference
Salt to preference
1 tbsp Corn flour
Dark soya sauce to preference
Worcestershire sauce to preference
200ml Fresh milk
100g butter


Casserole dish with AT LEAST 2L capacity
Oven, convection ovens are fine too

Notes for Ingredients
1. Buy potatoes with skin on. Those which are "peeled" actually still have a thin layer of skin on, which will be extremely hard to remove.
2. You can use minced pork as a substitute for beef. If you intend to use chicken like i did today, buy thigh meat and mince it yourself, or if you're in the market ask butcher to mince for you.
3. For the fresh milk, just buy those small 250ml packs will do. 50ml, you drink one mouthful settle already.
4. The mushrooms are VERY optional, but i add them in because i am a glutton.
5. Margarine can be used as a substitute for butter, but butter is more sinful and fragrant.
6. Worcestershire sauce is a slightly sour sauce that is often used in English cooking. I recommend Lea & Perrins, though Heinz should be fine too. Can be found in NTUC.


1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.

2. Boil potatoes for about 30 minutes. Test for softness by pricking with a fork or skewer.

3. Skin potatoes immediately. Yes it will burn your fingers a little but just do it. You may wear plastic gloves if you want to.

4. Into a large mixing bowl, add all the butter, black ground pepper and milk. Mash the potatoes with a masher if you have one, otherwise just use a fork.

5. When sufficiently mashed, feel with clean hands for any chunks left in the potato. Mash appropriately, then leave the potatoes alone.

6. Heat oil in a wok. When oil is heated, fry the diced mushrooms, onions and carrots.

7. Fry above ingredients until the onions are a little brown and soft. If it's taking a little long, turn down your fire and cover the wok and check after about two minutes.

8. Add minced meat into wok. The meat does not have to be very cooked because it will be further cooked in the oven later. Once the colour has changed from raw to just slightly cooked, you may switch off the fire.

9. Add Worcestershire sauce, dark soy sauce and salt into wok to your preference, stir well.

10. Mix the corn flour with a little water and add it into the meat + mix of other ingredients, stir well.

11. Empty meat + mix of other ingredients into the casserole dish, then top it up with the mashed potatoes.

12. Run a fork in a parallel direction across the top of the mash. This is just to give a nice browning effect after baking.

13. Bake in oven for about 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees celcius. The casserole dish should be placed in the middle position.

14. Eat.


there you go, enjoy.

no offence, joking only. It does sound goot in words thou, if got pic, perhaps be even better!
i doubt i'd be making it anytime soon, really. but it doesn't look that impressive from the top lah. it's just the mash on top.. alternating brown and yellow lines appetising meh? heh. i can assure you that it's easy on the palate.
Y isit evil? Very similiar to Potato Scallop recipe to me..

To those thinking of making this recipe, I recommend using Russet Potatoes. Easier to mesh and will taste great for a recipe like this.

To make it more interesting, add some cheese to it. Yum yum...
Y isit evil? Very similiar to Potato Scallop recipe to me..

To those thinking of making this recipe, I recommend using Russet Potatoes. Easier to mesh and will taste great for a recipe like this.

To make it more interesting, add some cheese to it. Yum yum...

it's evil because i am very bo liao, i just anyhow name the thread. and yes Russet Burbank potatoes are great for this. cheese is okay, but the pie is VERY filling as it is, so proceed with caution.